TWO Dursley men, another from Stroud and a fourth from Liverpool have denied any involvement in a plot concerning a sawn off shotgun.

At Gloucester Crown Court yesterday Gavin Fisher, 32 and Lee Fisher, 31, both of Oak Drive, Kingshill, Dursley, Tom Wood, 39, of Stanton Road, Caincross, Stroud and James Ashton, 30 of Grafton Street, Liverpool, all denied conspiring with Levi Fraser, 23, of Heath Court, Dursley, and others unknown, to possessing a sawn off shotgun without a firearms certificate on February 28, 2018.

The court heard that Levi Fraser was arrested by armed police when the gun was found in the boot of his car in Liverpool on February 28, 2018. He later admitted possessing the weapon and was jailed for 27 months at Liverpool crown court in July 2018.

At the Gloucester court yesterday Judge Michael Cullum asked the prosecution why it had taken so long for the case against the four other defendants to come to court when Fraser had been dealt with just five months after the incident.

The prosecutor Janine Wood was unable the question but said she would investigate.

The four defendants were bailed to appear at Bristol Crown Court for jury trial on a date yet to be fixed.