A YATE primary school has been pulled out of special measures by Ofsted inspectors after its headteacher turned around its fortunes.

Kings Court Primary School, in Sundridge Park, has received its best ever Ofsted report and was praised for "rapidly improving" since it was put on the problem list last year.

Headteacher Maddy Kent played a key role in the progress made at the 300-pupil school.

Inspector Peter Sanders said: "The headteacher has brought about a fast rate of improvement through an unrelenting focus on developing the quality of teaching and learning.

"She is now ably supported by a dedicated and hard working leadership team who are positively influencing standards and achievement in their areas of responsibility."

In 2006 inspectors said the school was providing children with an unsatisfactory level of education and ex-headteacher Janet Smith left soon after the report was published.

This week, however, pupils, parents and staff were toasting the news they have now made it onto the inspectors' satisfactory list.

Mrs Kent said: "We are really, really pleased. This is obviously what we have been working towards and it has been a joint effort.

"The governors have been really good and staff have worked really hard.

"But we are not going to rest on our laurels and we will continue to work hard."

Mr Sanders said standards still needed to improve in teaching and learning in Years 3 to 6 and boys' writing skills in Year 6.

However, he added: "The quality of the school's development plan and the leadership team's recent track record in bringing about improvement provide the school with good capacity to move on further."

As part of the school's radical transformation, a new ICT suite has been opened and the reception classroom has doubled in size.

Teaching methods have been improved and parents have taken a more active role with the formation of the Friends of Kings Court Primary School group.

Governor Neil Keenan, whose seven-year-old son Thomas attends the school, said: "Parents have been quite worried and the staff have had quite a tough time so there is a particularly good feeling amongst them.

"I think complacency crept in before but there is a more active spirit about the place now.

"Maddy has done a really good job and there is a sense of relief for everyone."

To celebrate the report, a party with a children's entertainer and refreshments is being held at the school tomorrow.