TURNBERRIE'S Community Centre in Thornbury is in urgent need of more volunteers to fill a variety of roles.

A receptionist or telephonist is needed for either regular or occasional periods of two hours during the working day.

The centre would also like someone to welcome groups using the buildings in the early evenings, someone with handyman/woman skills to work on an occasional basis as needed and someone to lock up the building in the evening on occasions.

Volunteers to join with others in opening the café at the weekends and to plan and organise public events in Turnberrie's are required.

An organiser is needed to help at a club for the elderly, who can arrange refreshments, trips and transport arrangements and help with the smooth running of the club.

Bristol Homestart, a charity which supports young families to overcome difficulties and to enjoy family life, urgently needs volunteers who have parenting skills themselves to act as befrienders to individual families.

Training is provided and expenses will be paid. Volunteers need to be able to visit the family for two to four hours a week on a regular basis.

For further information on the positions contact Thornbury Volunteer Centre on 01454 413392 or call into the office at the Town Hall on weekday mornings between 10.30am and 12 noon.