Christmas message The overwhelming memory from this year was of course the floods that affected so much of the county. We still have vivid memories of that day in July and the aftermath, including for many of us, the loss of water supply. As a member of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee I am involved in an enquiry into the lessons to be learned from this summer's events. My thoughts are with those households who have still not been to return to their flood damaged homes. At this time of the year particularly, this is a desperate situation and we must all think of them and pray for their early return. Having a number of friends in this situation I know just how tough this is.

On a positive note I am still proud of the way that the emergency services performed and how well the community pulled together. With the benefit of hindsight this is even more evident and we should continue to thank those involved for all they did. I think we learnt a great deal about the importance of looking after each other and doing what we can to help in such times of difficulty.

Another group of fine people we should also reflect upon at year's end, are our servicemen and women. I have been to Afghanistan in the past and am going to Iraq next year and I have seen for myself what they are capable of and how their professionalism and endeavour carries them through the difficulties they have to live with.

We're seeing a great deal of development taking place locally and I'm particularly pleased to see work start at Rednock School. I look forward to the students moving into the splendid new facilities when they are eventually completed.

I would like to send everyone in the constituency my very best wishes for Christmas and for a happy and peaceful 2008.

David Drew MP for Stroud