A PRIMARY school has been applauded by education watchdogs for maintaining a good level of teaching during a period of staff upheaval.

Manor Primary School, in Coalpit Heath, was praised by Ofsted inspectors for its high standards of teaching and management.

Inspectors said the 195-pupil school had performed very well during a two year spell when three members of staff departed and the deputy headteacher was on long term sick leave.

Lead inspector Patricia Pothecary said: "Manor Primary is a good school where pupils thrive and enjoy every aspect of their education.

"The outstanding curriculum is exceptionally rich, packed with exciting visits, visitors and projects to bring learning to life.

"When pupils join their attainment is broadly average, but from reception onwards they make good progress and achieve well, so that by the time they leave standards are above average."

Inspectors gave special praise to headteacher Hilary Eade.

Ms Pothecary said: "Parents' concerns were linked to unavoidable staffing instability over the last two years.

"But the headteacher has steered the school effectively during this difficult period so that the quality of teaching and the progress pupils make have remained good overall."

Pupils were said to make an outstanding contribution to the school and wider community in the report.

Inspectors were particularly impressed by the pupils' participation in the school council to undertake community projects such as the Robotics Challenge and represent the school during musical performances.

Ms Eade said: "I am thrilled with the outcome of our recent Ofsted inspection.

"It is recognition that The Manor is a good school, with aspects of practice that are outstanding.

"Staff are committed to working with governors, pupils and parents to improve further because we believe that together we can make our good school great."