A school in Yate and one in Thornbury have been the first to announce their closure tomorrow as major incident is declared for red weather warning issued for Storm Eunice in South Gloucestershire.

North Road Primary school in Yate and Sheiling School in Thornbury have contacted parents to say the schools will be closed due to the rare red weather warning.

Parents were informed that South Gloucestershire council had notified the school of the change after the region went from an amber warning to red for tomorrow.

The school advised they had taken the 'difficult decision' to close and suggested the children would be given online work instead.

On the South Gloucestershire Council website a comment from the North Road Primary says: "On Friday, February 18, the school will be closed due to Red weather warning for high winds.

"This decision has been taken following advice and due to current building/scaffolding works and proximity of trees and other dangers."

The comment from Sheiling School said: "The school will be closed on 18/02/2022 due to adverse weather conditions."

A red weather warning has been issued by the Met Office for extremely strong winds between 7am and midday tomorrow.

There is a risk of 90mph gusts of wind causing coastal flooding and affecting trees and temporary structures. This could cause disruption to the road and rail network, flights, power and communications systems.

Members of the public are asked to avoid travelling on Friday morning wherever possible and to follow weather and travel bulletins on local radio or check on local media websites.

You can report trees fallen into a major road to National Highways and on local roads to your local authority.

Please call 999 if there is an immediate risk to safety such as a fallen live power cable.