A TEENAGER who brandished a kitchen knife at a firefighter and driver before assaulting a police officer in Dursley has been handed a suspended sentence. 

Callum Doherty, 18, who was 17 at the time of the incident was almost hit by a car on November 22 last year after walking straight into oncoming traffic. 

The driver, aged in his 60s, was driving along Kingshill Lane and Doherty - wearing headphones and a hoodie - stepped out into the road in front of him.

Afterwards, Doherty threatened the driver with a knife - and also waved the weapon at a firefighter who bravely stepped in to help. 

The teen, of Kingsway, Dursley, then assaulted a police constable who arrived at the scene to arrest him, Gloucester Crown Court was told on Tuesday, June 13. 

Prosecutor Nadeem Aullybocus said: "The driver pulled over and told Doherty to be more observant. 

"The defendant then became very aggressive, and the driver could see he had a lime green kitchen knife in his hand.

"He was throwing his arms about and shouting at the driver. He called him a c**t and a pr*ck.

Gazette Series: Callum Doherty Callum Doherty (Image: Gloucestershire Police)

"Two fire officers came out of Dursley Fire Station. 

“One of them put himself between the defendant and the driver to protect him. The defendant turned towards the firefighter and swung at him twice with the knife.

"The firefighter pushed him away and the defendant walked away.

"A PSCO went to the scene and saw the defendant heading towards the town centre. He told the defendant to empty his pockets and Doherty placed the knife on a ledge. 

"The PCSO stayed with him till a PC arrived and arrested him. When the PC tried to guide Doherty to the police vehicle he became aggressive.

"He kicked the PC in the groin area. The defendant was taken to the floor and handcuffed.

"When in custody he said he carried a knife because other people were trying to stab him.”

Gazette Series: The incident happened outside Dursley Community Fire and Rescue StationThe incident happened outside Dursley Community Fire and Rescue Station (Image: Google Maps)

Mr Aullybocus said Doherty had five previous convictions for ten offences as a youth - three were for assaulting emergency workers. 

Ehsanul Oarith, defending, said that Doherty had not co-operated with a probation officer preparing a pre-sentence report and 'clearly has issues with authority.'

"He is very much a troubled young man who does need help,” Mr Oarith added.

Doherty admitted using threatening or abusive words or behaviour, possessing a bladed article outside Dursley Fire Station and assaulting the PC by beating him.  

The judge sentenced Doherty to 12 months detention suspended for a year and also made a 12 month community order with 20 rehabilitation activity days. 

He ordered confiscation of the knife.

Judge Martin Picton told Doherty: "The way you are behaving is getting you into lots of trouble and putting other people at risk. 

"When anyone has got a knife in their hand serious injury or death can result really easily.

"I do get it that you have had real difficulties in your life but you are running out of excuses. 

“There comes a point when it is not tolerated any more and you lose your liberty. 

"You now need to grow up.

"Don't throw your life down the toilet. Make better choices, live a different life and make your life better. Over to you."