COLUMN BY Stroud District Council deputy leader Natalie Bennett. 

Everyone has the right to feel safe in their homes and communities, and antisocial behaviour (ASB) is something that SDC takes very seriously.

From July 3rd to the 9th it is ASB Awareness Week 2023, and SDC together with partner agencies will be raising awareness of what ASB is and the actions that can be taken by those experiencing it.

As part of this a mobile police unit will be out and about in our estates talking to people and advising them of how to report any issues in their local community.

Stroud town centre has seen the introduction of a new Night Safe Officers scheme that is running for an initial three months from June 30th.

It has been introduced by Stroud Community Safety Partnership, of which SDC is a member and funded by the Gloucestershire Office of the PCC’s Safer Streets Fund.

The two Night Safe officers will be patrolling key locations on Friday and Saturday nights, supporting door staff and marshalling the taxi rank on King Street at peak times; providing a visible presence to identify issues before they escalate. Two key priorities in our Council Plan are Community Resilience and Wellbeing, and Economy, Recovery and Regeneration and this initiative is part of what we are doing to reduce the impacts and causes of ASB for our residents, visitors and businesses.

Many of us enjoy a barbecue in the hot weather but please be aware that they are not permitted on any of the commons in Stroud district.

Disposable barbecues can take several hours to cool to a level for safe disposal. This presents a major risk of wildfire with potentially devastating effects on our countryside and wildlife, including the cows that are now out on the commons.

If you are heading out and about please leave the barbecue at home and pack a picnic instead.

The Holiday, Activity and Food (HAF) programme will be returning this summer holiday. Online bookings for parents and carers will go live from 12pm on the 5th July and you will be able to see details of activities happening in your area. The link is here