A SPATE of vandalism has forced a church in Dursley to reduce its public opening hours with police labelling yobs as “thoughtless”. 

Both the St James the Great and the Tabernacle Church were targeted by vandals in August and October. 

As a result, as a 'precautionary and temporary measure' St James has changed its opening hours and is now closed in the afternoons.  

According to police, a teenage boy has been identified as being involved in the church vandalism based on CCTV footage. 

They also sent the boy a letter warning him not to engage in further anti-social behaviour.

Despite the loutish acts, a new Friends of St James Church has now been formed by volunteers, with the goal of raising much-needed funds for the historic building.

Meanwhile, similar incidents were also reported across the town in June. 

Dursley Neighbourhood Policing Team say they are still investigating criminal damage to windows at the Market Hall, as well as damage to a telephone box, planters as well as the Sainsbury's supermarket sign.

Police have already interviewed a 16-year-old boy in connection with the June town centre incidents, and a 14-year-old is scheduled to be interviewed under caution next week.

Gazette Series: St James the Great Dursley (left) and Dursley Tabernacle Church (right) have been targeted St James the Great Dursley (left) and Dursley Tabernacle Church (right) have been targeted (Image: Ewelme Benefice / Dursley Tabernacle Church)

Police issue warning 

Vandals have been labelled "group of thoughtless young people" by Sergeant Garrett Gloyn from Dursley Police, who has issued a strong warning to yobs. 

Sergeant Gloyn said: "We are aware of concerns by the community that a small group of youths has been causing anti-social behaviour in Dursley.

"This sort of behaviour is not acceptable and we will take action to tackle the perpetrators of these incidents.

“It is a shame that the actions of a group of thoughtless young people might lead to a reduction in the availability of the church to other residents. 

“The local policing team are working to identify culprits and address their disorder.

"I would also reiterate to parents and carers that they need to be aware of where their children are, what they are doing and who they are with."

New Friends of St James group launched 

Following the incidents, members of the public expressed their support for the St James Church on Facebook prompting the launch of the friends group.

Dr Sally Pearson, Treasurer of St James and group organiser said: “We are the custodians of a place of great beauty and historical significance which is important both as a place of worship and as a community asset.

“It is really important to us that the building is accessible for those seeking quiet reflection which is why we strive to keep it open. 

“There is always a risk that some individuals will not recognise respect the space in the way we would hope so we are constantly looking for ways to mitigate this risk.

“The idea of a Friends of St James predates the episodes of vandalism but was given impetus by the support shown for us when we posted about the need to close the church during the day.

“The reality is that the worshipping community in the church is ageing and is becoming increasingly difficult to raise the funds or the skills to look after such an important building. 

“But we know that that are many people in the wider community that love our building as much as we do and its place in our community 

“Friends groups have successfully been established in association with other churches and we think we should try it here. 

“We are hoping that members of the community will want to get involved by paying a small annual subscription to become a member of the Friends Group. 

“We hope that some members will be willing to form a steering committee to offer their skills and ideas to enable us to maintain the building for use by the community for many years to come.”

The Friends of St James Church will hold their first meeting on Wednesday, November 22 at 6pm at the Old Spot in Dursley.