A COMMUNITY speed watch group from Stinchcombe Village are raising awareness of the dangers of speeding as part of Road Safety Week. 

Taking place from Sunday, November 19 to Saturday, November 25, Road Safety Week is a national campaign organised by the road safety charity, Brake.

The Stinchcombe group - which includes local residents Trudy Chinn, Don Cribb, John Delafield, Kath Hudson, Joan Jelfs, Marion Twentyman and Ava Walker - is running a series of events to get local people thinking and talking about speed and its potential consequences.

It launched with a stopping distances awareness event at Stinchcombe Village Hall on Sunday, November 19. 

Among those in attendance were Catherine Braun, leader of Stroud District Council, Linda Cohen from Gloucestershire County Council and local police. 

Gazette Series: From left to right: Catherine Braun, Kath Hudson (Secretary of Stinchcombe Speed Watch), Ava WalkerVillagers ranging in age from five to 80+  braved the weather to participate and help eat a biscuit and cake-based display afterwards.

This will be followed by awareness raising sessions at the Leaf & Ground Café and retail facility just outside the village plus posts on social media.

Dursley Rugby Club and Dursley Running & Athletics Club, both based in Stinchcombe Village, will be supporting the campaign and sharing road safety information with members and drivers who use the club facilities.