A MAN from the area has spoken out after shedding over six stone in a weight loss transformation. 

Ryan Hill who attends Dursley Slimming World group has lost 6st 7lb. 

He said: “I thought I’d have to cut takeaways out completely but I’ve managed to factor these in by making swaps to healthier choices, for example Tandoori mixed grill at the Indian takeaway!”

Consultant Ruth Voller - who runs the Dursley group - has also addressed the myths surrounding the fear of missing out on food while dieting.

Ruth said: “I’m really proud of Ryan and all my members who have embraced our plan and are learning to make small changes to the way they prepare food or change the choice they make when eating out so that they can still enjoy their favourites. 

“I had a roast at my local pub last weekend and by making smart choices it was completely within plan, so no FOMO for me!” 
The group meets at Dursley Rugby Club on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Gazette Series: Dursley Slimming World