AN update has been released by a newly relaunched eco group in Thornbury. 

Plastic Free Thornbury is hoping to officially make the town “plastic free” with residents encouraged to reduce their use of single use plastic.

The group held its steering committee meeting on Friday, January 26. 

Members include Aimee Winter-Tuck chair of Thornbury Chamber of Trade, Thornbury mayor James Murray and Luke Hall MP as well as Ella Wiggans and Emma Young plus Yan Cheung from Thornbury Town Council. 

As part of the campaign, shops and businesses in the town are encouraged to change at least three things in their everyday practice with eco-alternatives.

The group is also looking for more community allies to get involved with the project. 

Gazette Series: Plastic Free Thornbury

So far its supporters include Thornbury in Bloom, Thornbury United Reform Church and Climate Action Thornbury and Surroundings as well as nine retailers in the town. 

Group spokesperson Emma Young said: “We had a productive meeting of the steering committee for Plastic Free Thornbury.

“Going forward we have several events planned but no definite dates. 

“I hope to be at the Artfest on February 24 at St Mary's school as I am told by Rich Edwards of Surroundings who is involved that the central piece of artwork will be plastic free.

“A litter pick may take place in March and we will be having a stall at Sustainable Thornbury's Susty Fest in May.”

To find out more about the campaign or to get involved, email or visit here -