TEAMS and individuals from across Thornbury came together to take part in the Rotary Club's Annual Swimarathon.

Guy Rawlinson, President of Thornbury Rotary, expressed his sincere gratitude for the amazing results from the Swimarathon this year.

Once again, it was held at the Leisure Centre which has been supporting and hosting this event since the 1980’s.

Panache Steel Band created a Caribbean atmosphere, helping to make the community event such a pleasure to be involved with. Swimmers of all ages took part, the total number of teams being 50, over Friday evening, 1st March, and Saturday afternoon.

The number of lengths swum were 5176, equating to nearly 130 km or 81 miles (almost 4 times across the English Channel).

The organiser, Rotarian Bernard Amos congratulated all the swimmers and thanked the sponsors, both business and individual, for their generous support.

At the weekend, the event raised well over £10,000, of which more than £5,000 had been sponsored through JustGiving and the rest through donations and pledges.

The two main charities benefitting from the Swimarathon are St. Peter’s Hospice and Butterfly Space. Many other local charities and good causes will also benefit.

For anyone who didn’t make it in time, it's not too late to make a donation through the Swimarathon JustGiving page: