A ROW has erupted over controversial plans to build new homes at an overflow car park intended for Cam and Dursley railway station. 

A planning application submitted by Wain Homes Severn Valley includes building five homes at the site located off Box Road in Signal Road which was earmarked for passengers using the train station. 

It comes as the same housing developer was granted permission in February 2020 to build 90 new homes plus 42 parking spaces for the overflow car park.

However, the railway car park was never officially opened for members of the public and instead fenced off and used by construction workers as a storage yard.

Plans - which were put forward to Stroud District Council - include transforming the car park site building a one-bed flat, two three-bedroom houses and two four-bedroom houses.

The proposed scheme is the latest in a long line of developments located off Box Road with many neighbours raising fears over congestion and a lack of supporting infrastructure. 

Gazette Series: The proposed site where new homes could be built - it was earmarked as an overflow car park for Cam and Dursley train station - photo from April 2023The proposed site where new homes could be built - it was earmarked as an overflow car park for Cam and Dursley train station - photo from April 2023 (Image: Google Maps)

“Short-sighted” scheme, residents say 

So far, 37 residents have objected to the application with many labelling the scheme as “unfair”, “short-sighted” and “a step too far”. 

Gloucestershire County Council’s Highways department also objected citing concerns over off-street parking and about lack of information about the proposed scheme. 

Meanwhile, a spokesperson from Cam and Dursley transportation group told the Gazette they were concerned that the plans may discourage people from using the railway station.

According to the application, a new overspill car park will eventually be created with space for 20 parking spaces at a different site adjacent to the train station. 

The site is where 42 homes are also due to be built as part of a separate planning application approved in January 2024.

In planning documents applicant Wain Homes says the new location is “better positioned” and is a “more logical location” for overspill parking rather than the old site which is further from the railway station. 

One resident said: “There is already not enough parking for the station - we were promised more and this has not been delivered."

Another said: “The railway station car park has been an issue for as long as I have lived in this area which is now 19 years. 

“It couldn't cope with the amount of cars wishing to park at the station even back then.

“By permitting these additional five houses, which to be frank, in light of the amount of housing already planned for this once small village, is unnecessary is once again allowing commercialism to rule over residents' needs.”

Gazette Series: Plans showing the overflow car park (left) and the proposed scheme instead to build five new homes (right) on the same sitePlans showing the overflow car park (left) and the proposed scheme instead to build five new homes (right) on the same site (Image: Wain Homes Severn Valley)

Gazette Series: The second site where 42 homes and a new 20 space overflow car park are due to be builtThe second site where 42 homes and a new 20 space overflow car park are due to be built (Image: Newsquest)

Cam resident Steve Willetts and from Cam Community Action Group said: “The application seeks to build even more houses than previously agreed and reduce parking provided at Cam and Dursley railway station.

“This is another example where a developer is given planning permission with conditions and then wants to avoid those conditions.

“The condition to provide the parking should be honoured and this application refused."

SDC Labour group leader Cllr Steve Robinson said: "This is a decision for the SDC Development Committee who will balance the need for new homes against the needs of existing residents. 

“Cam and Dursley station is an important transport hub and parking on nearby roads is already a hazard for people in the immediate area. 

“Reducing in-station parking provision  will make this worse, particularly if rail use increases in the future. 

"On the evidence presented so far,  we share GCC's concerns and would ask the developer to explore ways of removing these risks, and consider ways to strengthen regular, reliable public transport links and secure cycle storage.”

Gazette Series: Cars parked in Box Road near the railway station in Cam - photo from 2019Cars parked in Box Road near the railway station in Cam - photo from 2019

The applicant Wain Homes was approached by the Gazette for comment.

A planning document reads: “The car park was built as part of a development for 90 dwellings with a purpose to provide overspill car parking for Cam & Dursley train station. 

“Since its conception a further phase of residential development has been approved for 42 dwellings with a new overspill car park located immediately adjacent to the existing station car park.

“Accordingly the new car park approved under application is better related to the train station and the existing car park at this subject site is now surplus to requirements and an alternative use for five dwellings is proposed.”

It continues: “The car park has been constructed but is yet to be adopted and remains
under the ownership of Wain Homes. 

“The car park has been used for staff and visitors of the Wain Homes development but has not been used for its intended purpose as the train station overspill car park.

Anyone wishing to comment on the application has until May 31.

You can view the application quoting S.24/0585/FUL or see here - tinyurl.com/mrxzb75e

Gazette Series: Cam and Dursley railway stationCam and Dursley railway station (Image: Newsquest)