A WOMAN from Slimbridge who admitted failing to stop after an accident when she hit a brick wall while over the alcohol limit has been banned from the roads for a year.

Christine Willis, aged 45, of Moorend Lane, Slimbridge, was also ordered by Cheltenham Magistrates on May 9 to pay a £135 fine, costs of £85 and a victim services surcharge of £54.

She was told that she can reduce the ban by 91 days if she successfully completes a government approved driving course at her own expense.

Willis pleaded guilty to driving a Skoda Fabia without due care and attention on Hatherley Road, Gloucester, on October 25th last year when she had 45mcgs of alcohol on her breath.

The legal limit is 35mcgs.

She also admitted failing to stop after an accident when damage was done to a brick wall in Hatherley Road.