PLANS to knock down a bungalow near businesses on a key road into Dursley and replace it with new homes have been refused.

Applicant G & N Chambers Ltd applied for planning permission in March to demolish the structure in Uley Road and replace it with new four houses.

However, the scheme - which is located near Marlen Motors, Modes Hairdressing and Elevation One - was recently rejected by Stroud District Council.

According to the application, the new homes would be two pairs of semi-detached properties, each with two parking spaces making a total of eight spaces.

It is understood the scheme is part of a wider project by the applicants and a new road would also be built for access.

It comes as the same applicants were given planning permission in November to convert an old builders workshop into a new office block at the rear of the site.

Council officers said the proposed project appeared "cramped", "overdeveloped" and stated applicants did not follow council application advice.

They also raised fears over access for emergency vehicles and said the application failed to include a preliminary ecological appraisal to assess the biodiversity impact.

The scheme was supported by Dursley Town Council and one member of the public who stated the development maintained existing access.

Meanwhile, two residents raised concerns over the impact on visibility along Uley Road, a loss of privacy, increase in traffic and fears raised about overdevelopment.

In the refusal document, the officer's report reads: "Pre-application advice was sought on this proposal.

"Unfortunately the pre-application advice given has not been followed and for the reasons given the application is recommended for refusal.

It continues: "The proposed development would fail to respect its surroundings by introducing development inconsistent with the locality that would appear cramped and overdeveloped.

"Insufficient evidence has been provided to demonstrate that the site access and layout insufficient to allow two vehicles to enter and leave simultaneously and is adequate for fire service vehicles.

"The proposal would be highly visible and feature prominently from the Uley Road.

"Furthermore, the site would appear cramped and overdeveloped.

"This would result in a proposal that would not respect or reflect the character and appearance of the surroundings and that would appear unduly prominent and have a detrimental impact on the street scene.

"It is considered that the proposed development would result in significant harm to the character and appearance of the site and the surrounding area."

You can view the application quoting S.24/0341/FUL or see here -