THE new chair of Cam Parish Council has been announced and has revealed the council’s top priorities over the next 12 months. 

Top of the council’s agenda includes plans to buy land at Everlands sports ground with Cam Sports Club “for the people of Cam”. 

Jerry Fowler, who has 25-years’ experience volunteering in the public sector across councils and magistrates’ courts, took on the chair role at Cam Parish Council last month. 

Meanwhile, Jon Fulcher, who held the chair position for the past three years, is the new vice-chair. 

Jerry joined Cam Parish Council 12 months ago and says he decided to become involved because “it’s about the community and it’s non-political.”

The council’s priority list for the next 12-months include:

  • Investment in green spaces. Top of this list is supporting Cam Sports Facility to secure the site off Everlands by purchasing it for the people of Cam. This will ensure it’s protected as a green space forever. 
  • Being led by the people of Cam about what infrastructure is needed in Cam over the coming years. A Community Investment project has been launched calling for ideas that will benefit Cam. Money from developer contributions could be used to deliver these projects. 
  • Designing a new parish map. There’s a whole new community around Box Road with new residents and this is not recognised in the current map. These new residents need support and recognition. A new parish map will include this area. 
  • Continuing with ground maintenance around Cam to keep the area looking tidy and cared-for. Street signage improvements have already been done and once more funding is secured improving bus stops is next on the list. 

To successfully deliver the priority list, Cllr Fowler has urged the 8,500 people living in Cam to become a councillor or to get involved with volunteering in working and community groups 

He said: “We are a small group of staff and volunteers trying to work out what’s needed. We really need residents’ participation and feedback. 

“In order to fulfil all of our aspirations and goals we need members of the public to join our team. 

“This year sees the start of a new way of working with four new working parties. 

“These don’t have to be made up exclusively of councillors, can meet at different times during the day and won’t mean formal council meetings. 

“We just want people with a genuine interest to get involved. 

“At the moment we have working parties for Jubilee Playing Field, Biodiversity and Environment, Events and Community Development and Neighbourhood and Strategic CIL.”

He continued: “Please consider becoming a Cam Parish councillor. 

“But if you feel you don’t have the time or focus to be a councillor there are other ways to get involved in your community. 

“Consider joining one of the working parties or perhaps look into the volunteering opportunities we have in Cam.” 

For more information about becoming a councillor, joining a working party or volunteering contact or 01453 548884.