AN update has been released over controversial plans to build new homes at an overflow car park intended for Cam and Dursley railway station.

A planning application submitted by Wain Homes Severn Valley in March includes building five homes at the site located off Box Road in Signal Road.

The site was originally earmarked for passengers using the train station as part of a new overflow car park - but was never officially opened to the public.

It comes as the developer was granted planning permission in February 2020 to build 90 new homes plus 42 parking spaces for the overflow car park in Signal Road.

Instead the car park site was fenced off and used by construction workers as a storage yard.

According to the application, a new overspill car park will eventually be created with space for 20 parking spaces at a different site adjacent to the train station.

Applicant Wain Homes says the location is “better positioned” for overspill parking rather than the site in Signal Road - which is further from the railway station.

However, planning officers from Stroud District Council have now advised members of the Development Control Committee to reject the application.

Officers say the application is contrary to both SDC’s adopted and emerging Local Plan as the site lies outside identified settlement development limits.

They say, if approved, the plans would be “detrimental” to the amenities of local residents, the accessibility of Cam and Dursley Station and users of the rail station.

Officers said in their consultee comment: “There no housing need or housing supply argument for an additional five dwellings to justify the loss of the approved parking spaces of wider benefit to the accessibility of Cam and Dursley Station and the amenities of the local community.

“The Box Road local area has experienced housing growth in addition to planned strategic development at Millfields without the delivery of any of the approved enhancements to Cam and Dursley station of benefit to the local road network and justifying additional housing in this location”.

The comment continues: “Cam and Dursley station on the Birmingham Bristol main line performs a strategic transport role, attracting commuters from across the District.

“Consequently, it is recommended that this planning application be refused unless material considerations indicate otherwise.”

According to the application, the car park site would be transformed into a one-bed flat, two three-bedroom houses and two four-bedroom houses.

Both Dursley Town Council and Uley Parish Council have also objected to the application.

In addition, more than 50 residents have also raised concerns.

A planning document by the applicant reads: “The car park was built as part of a development for 90 dwellings with a purpose to provide overspill car parking for Cam & Dursley train station.

“Since its conception a further phase of residential development has been approved for 42 dwellings with a new overspill car park located immediately adjacent to the existing station car park.

“Accordingly the new car park approved under application is better related to the train station and the existing car park at this subject site is now surplus to requirements and an alternative use for five dwellings is proposed.”

The application will be determined by councillors at SDC’s Development Control Committee on Tuesday, July 9.

You can view the application quoting S.24/0585/FUL or see here -