INITIAL plans have been put forward for a solar farm at a pig slaughterhouse in the Yate area.

EDF Renewables submitted plans for a ground-mounted solar farm within fields near the Pilgrim UK abattoir site located off Green Farm Lane in Westerleigh.

The company put forward an application to South Gloucestershire Council for an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion on Monday, June 17.

However, a full planning application has not yet been submitted.

Council planners now have to determine whether the proposed development will have a significant impact on the environment.

According to the planning document, plans will include installing a solar farm which would be 10.3 acres.

The applicant says the highest point of each panel would be three metres in height from the ground.

Other proposals include installing 2.4 high metre perimeter fencing, security cameras, cabling and an access track.

It is understood the proposed solar farm would be temporary and reversible with an operational period of 40 years.

The applicant also says construction would be completed within six to nine months.

Initial plans for a solar farm have been submitted near the Pilgrim UK site in Westerleigh  (Image: Google Maps)

(Image: EDF Renewables)

A planning document reads: “EDF Renewables intends to submit an application for planning permission for a ground-mounted solar farm, and associated infrastructure sited within fields adjacent to the south of the Pilgrim factory.

"Pilgrim has targets for net zero emissions by 2030 with onsite electricity generation at Pilgrim sites being a vital component in achieving net zero emissions targets.

“Following significant recent increases in energy costs for all businesses, the proposed development looks to support the future feasibility of the Westerleigh Pilgrim site, through renewable electricity generated onsite.

“This will also provide greater job security for those employed at the Pilgrim site.

“The energy produced from the development would only be used internally with there being no plans to export electricity to the national grid.

“The development is proposed to provide renewable and locally sourced electricity to the Westerleigh Pilgrim factory, ensuring the long-term viability of the site through reduced operating costs and therefore safeguarding associated jobs.”

You can view the EIA screening opinion application here -