A NEW parking plan has been put forward to improve road safety outside a primary school in a village near Wotton.

Gloucestershire County Council is currently asking for people’s views on introducing new rules on various roads in Kingswood near Kingswood Primary School.

The proposed scheme includes introducing double yellow lines (no waiting at any time) along Wotton Road between the Car Clinic and the public toilets. 

It comes after three children while walking home from school were hit by cars in two separate incidents along Wotton Road last summer.

In one incident, one child from Katharine Lady Berkeley's was left with a fractured elbow.

Meanwhile, planners have also put forward plans to introduce a new single yellow line (no waiting zone) right outside the primary school.

If approved, this would be active from 8am to 4pm from Monday to Friday.

Parents have previously described the road as 'dangerous' and 'chaotic' as families with young children are repeatedly forced to cross the road without a pedestrian crossing. 

Following concerns about road safety, a public meeting was held in August, and families formed the Kingswood Village Road Safety Group.

"This doesn’t go far enough"

Sian Blackham from the safety group said: "I’m pleased that Gloucestershire County Council has listened to the concerns raised by the community about road safety and have acted but this doesn’t go far enough.

"We need a pedestrian crossing and a 20mph speed limit to help keep our children safe.

"It’s coming up to a year since three school children were clipped by vehicles while walking home from KLB along Wotton Road, resulting in a fractured arm for one.

"This stretch of road is particularly treacherous during school drop off and pick up.

"Only last week a van mounted the footpath where children were walking to squeeze through the pinch point.”

The community has "raised concerns"

Mary Leonard, clerk for Kingswood Parish Council, said: "The community over a number of years have raised concerns on the safety of Wotton Road for pedestrians.

"KPC carried out a Highway survey in 2022 with the community and has worked with The Police and GCC Highways on the issues.

"In 2022 KPC received over 150 comments on the Wotton Road junction.  

"GCC Highways has proposed the current solution of part time parking restrictions and double yellow lines on Wotton Road and Rectory Road.

"This is the only solution put forward and supported by Highways.  

"All other solutions have been discounted. Members of the community are invited to comment on whether they support the proposal or not.

"If you believe the proposal will make Wotton Road safer, please comment with your support.

"If you do not believe it will be safer and would prefer the road to be left as it, please comment.

"However, an objection will not mean another proposal will be brought forward.  

"It is this proposal or no change to Wotton Road. It is down to the community on what happens next.

"Please be sure to comment directly to GCC Highways."

"We know that this is likely to prove inconvenient"

County Councillor Linda Cohen (Wotton, LD) said: "The safety of Kingswood children walking to school is my top priority. 

"For the last two years, we have worked tirelessly to try and find a resolution to the road safety issue which has been a major concern in Kingswood for decades. 

"The parish council, campaign groups and GCC have achieved consensus about the importance of the issue but achieving any safety improvement will require compromise and is never likely to be a fully satisfactory outcome. 

"After monitoring, safety inspections and receiving a full report the only proposed change that would achieve some improvement is a restriction on parking opposite Tubbs Turf during drive times. 

"We know that this is likely to prove inconvenient for home owners and will displace cars when parking is already at a premium. 

"However all other measures have been discounted. 

"There is still much to be done in terms of driver and pedestrian education as well as ongoing discussions with the bus companies to try and eventually reroute school buses."

Restrictions could be introduced "within six months"

Gary Wilson, local highways manager from GCC, said: “We are proposing to implement waiting restrictions on some roads within the parish of Kingswood to reduce inappropriate parking and improve safety. 

“The Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process is ongoing and we are asking people to submit their views by July 5, 2024. 

“We will consider all feedback before making a final decision.

“If the proposal is approved it is expected that the restrictions would come into effect within six months.”

The consultation is open until 12pm on Friday, July 5.

For more information and to respond to the consultation see here - bit.ly/3zlchtd

Gloucestershire County Council is asking for people’s views on introducing new parking rules near Kingswood Primary School  (Image: Gloucestershire County Council)

Vehicle mounting the footpath to squeeze through the pinch point in Wotton Road - picture from last week  (Image: Sian Blackham)

Buses getting stuck in the narrow Wotton Road - images from last year (Image: Kingswood Parish Council)