CAM Cricket Club hosted a community schools tournament for Year 5 and 6 pupils from local primary schools on Friday, June 21. 

The tournament was arranged following a sequence of term time lessons and out of school clubs delivered by Cam Cricket Club with the support of the England & Wales Cricket Board’s “Chance to Shine” programme .

The scheme provides cricket coaching to pupils and then introduces them to the club where they can take part in further activities.

More than 70 children from Cam Woodfield Junior School, Cam Everlands Primary School, Cam Hopton C of E Primary School, Dursley C of E Primary School and Sharpness Primary School took part in the round robin tournament in glorious sunshine.

(Image: Supplied) Coach Ben Lane said: "The event was a roaring success and that it was pleasing to see so many children enjoy the sport of cricket.

"Many thanks to Renishaw and Dursley Rotary Club for sponsoring our cricket in the community programme."

Cam Cricket Club Youth chairman Dave Cotterell added: “We are pleased to be able to help the kids have fun and hope to see many of them return in the future.

"We can offer them a fantastic opportunity to take part in cricket activities throughout the rest of the summer and in years to come.”