Thornbury & Yate constituency has been held by incumbent Conservative MP Luke Hall since 2015.

Liberal Democrat candidate and leader of South Gloucestershire Council Claire Young is tipped to overturn a 12,369-vote majority and take the seat from him in a closely fought contest at the 2024 General Election on Thursday, July 4, with the latest YouGov MRP poll suggesting this is a “lean” towards her party.

In 2019, Luke Hall was returned to the House of Commons with 58 per cent of the vote, beating Claire Young in second place with 34 per cent, while Labour’s Rob Logan was a distant third on eight per cent.

A swing of more than 12 per cent from the Tories to the Lib Dems would see Thornbury & Yate change hands.

The last Lib Dem MP to represent the constituency was Steve Webb who won in 2010, when it was created, but then lost at the 2015 General Election to Luke Hall.

YouGov’s second MRP poll of the campaign in mid-June, which is regarded as one of the most accurate because it uses a large survey and data size, predicted a Lib Dem gain with 40 per cent of the vote – about seven per cent more than five years ago – with the Conservatives in second on 31 per cent, down almost half.

Reform UK, standing for the first time, is forecast to finish third on 15 per cent, ahead of Labour on 12 per cent and the Greens, who did not field a candidate in 2019, on three per cent.

Rob Logan is Labour’s nominee again, while Andrew Banwell represents Reform UK and Alexandra Jenner-Fust is standing for the Greens.

All five candidates have provided a pitch to voters for this article.

Andrew Banwell (Reform UK)

Andrew Banwell (Reform UK) has worked in various roles including as a bus driver, lorry driver and IT engineer.

He has been a parish councillor for Dyrham and Hinton Parish Council for many years.

The 60-year-old said: “As a family man with two grown-up daughters and three grandchildren, I understand the importance of a strong community and the need for practical solutions to everyday issues.

“As your candidate for Thornbury & Yate, I am committed to bringing real change and common-sense policies to our community.

Andrew Banwell, Reform UK candidate for Thornbury & Yate at the 2024 General Election 

“Reform UK stands for a sensible approach to governance, one that prioritises the needs of the people over political games.

“I will work tirelessly to ensure our local infrastructure meets the growing demands, supporting initiatives that improve our roads, healthcare services and schools.

“My diverse work experience has given me a grounded perspective on the challenges many face and I am dedicated to making sure your voices are heard in Parliament.

“Together, we can build a stronger, more resilient community that values hard work, honesty and innovation.

“Vote for me, and let’s create a future where Thornbury & Yate thrives.”

Luke Hall (Conservative)

Luke Hall (Conservative) has been the MP since 2015 when he ousted Lib Dem pensions minister Steve Webb.

He has been the government’s skills, apprenticeships and higher education minister since March, having previously served as regional growth and local government minister and the Conservative Party’s deputy chairman.

Before entering politics, he was a retail manager, starting work for Lidl at 18 and by the age of 21 he was the youngest store manager in the business, where he ran the supermarket chain’s store in Yate.

He said: “I have lived in South Gloucestershire all my life.

“I grew up here, I am raising my own family here, and I want to make sure we keep delivering for our community.

“We’ve got a lot done in the last few years, but I know there is more to do.

“Together, we managed to defeat the unsustainable proposals to build thousands of houses at Chipping Sodbury and Buckover, but now we need to fight the plans to overdevelop our towns and villages, and make sure Bristol takes a fair share of housing too.

Luke Hall, incumbent MP and Conservative candidate for Thornbury & Yate at the 2024 General Election 

“We are opening a new special educational needs and disabilities school, and now we need to refurbish rural schools and ensure we have strong mental health support in local schools.

“We’ve made progress on transport, introducing half-hourly train services, opening the park and ride, and scrapping the Severn Bridge tolls.

“Now we need to go further, by reopening Charfield Station and securing better bus services.

“We supported businesses through Covid, but now we need to open ‘Banking Hubs’ and defeat the council’s plans to introduce car parking charges.

“We are tackling crime. There are over 500 extra police officers in Avon and Somerset, but I am fighting to see more of them on the beat in South Gloucestershire.

“On health, we have secured the money to rebuild Thornbury Health Centre and expanded services at Yate MIU.

“Now I want to see more services delivered at Frenchay and, crucially, get the rebuild of Thornbury Health Centre done.

“This is our Positive Plan for South Gloucestershire.

“With your support at this election, we can keep making progress together.”

Alexandra Jenner-Fust (Green)

Alexandra Jenner-Fust (Green) wants to represent the community where she lives, works and has raised her children to get a fairer deal for residents and the planet.

She said: “I’m standing in this election to offer a positive Green choice to voters in Thornbury & Yate.

“Like many people, I’m increasingly disgusted by the current government’s behaviour – which has left public services crumbling, record numbers of children living in poverty and our rivers polluted, while shareholders (and political gamblers) fill their pockets.

“My values, and those of the Green Party, demand fairness and justice, particularly for the most vulnerable in society.

“I volunteer with struggling families and can see how Green plans to invest in the NHS and mental health services would make a real difference.

“Working in a school, I see the damage that underfunding does to staff morale and children’s futures.

“The Green Party would reverse the two-child benefit cap and fund schools properly, through a carefully planned wealth tax on the very richest who can afford it most.

“I also work as a gardener and see the impact of climate change all the time.

“The Green Party understands that dealing with the climate emergency will bring wider benefits.

“Better insulated homes will mean lower bills while a fairer welfare system will help people out of poverty.

“Restoring nature and increasing access to green spaces is good for everyone’s wellbeing.

“This election is an opportunity for real change, and every Green vote sends a message that it’s time to secure ourselves a fair and happy future on this planet.”

Rob Logan (Labour) 

Rob Logan (Labour) was third at the last General Election and was voted in as a Bristol city councillor for Filwood ward in May 2024.

He has longstanding family connections to Thornbury & Yate.

Rob said: “The country is looking for change – to move forward after 14 years of division, low growth, high prices, high taxes and poor public services.

“To take just one example, people are waiting too long for NHS treatment, while the current government is content to blame doctors and nurses for delays, rather than providing the support that the healthcare system needs and which the British public have a right to expect.

“Labour is offering a positive choice – a choice of economic competence, shorter NHS waiting times, green energy, investment in schools and better policing.

“This is the change that the country needs. 

“Thornbury & Yate is a fantastic community, and somewhere personally important to me.

“My wife’s side of the family is based just outside Thornbury, and this is why we moved to the West of England when our first daughter was born 17 years ago. We’d never leave now.

“Thornbury & Yate needs a parliamentary champion who will contribute to this positive vision, and who will stand up for the local area.

“Yate and Thornbury can be vibrant, bustling town centres that are simple to travel to and full of life, but sadly previous politicians have not stood up for the things that matter to the local area, while our town centres have fallen behind.

“Reopening Thornbury High Street as a popular destination has to be the first step.

“We can change this. Labour can change this. I hope you choose Labour.”

Claire Young (Liberal Democrat)

Claire Young (Liberal Democrat) is the current leader of South Gloucestershire Council following heavy Tory losses at the local elections in May 2023 that led to a Lib Dem/Labour coalition replacing the Conservatives in running the authority.

She finished runner-up at the last two General Elections, in 2017 and 2019, standing as the Lib Dem candidate for Thornbury & Yate.

Claire said: “Whatever your political views I think we can all agree something has to change. “My team and I have talked to thousands of people and the message is clear.

“We have to fix the broken NHS and invest in care – ending the long waits for GP appointments, ambulances and surgery and giving everyone better access to NHS dentistry.

“We have to tackle the cost-of-living crisis.

“We have to end the underfunding of our schools.

“We have to protect our environment and stop the dumping of sewage in our rivers.

“I’ve lived here for 25 years and have been standing up for our community as a councillor since 2007.

“I’ve introduced measures to tackle the changing climate and protect our countryside.

“I’ve helped businesses get support and been there for residents when times have been tough.

“Now I’m standing to be your MP to take that fight to Parliament.

“The national polls show Labour in the lead. Here in this seat the situation is different.

“Labour have never won this seat and it’s a close race between me and the Conservatives.

“So if you think it’s time for a fresh start, please support me with your vote on Thursday.”

Thornbury & Yate constituency, created in 2010 as the successor to Northavon, has seen minor boundary changes for this year’s General Election, with the addition of Severn Beach which has moved from the Filton & Bradley Stoke seat.

It comprises the South Gloucestershire wards of Boyd Valley, Charfield, Chipping Sodbury & Cotswold Edge, Dodington, Frampton Cotterell, Pilning & Severn Beach, Severn Vale, Thornbury, Yate Central and Yate North.