SPORT England has objected to plans to create new paths at playing fields in Yate.

The sporting body recently expressed fears over proposals to install paths around Queen Elizabeth II playing fields off Kelston Close.

Applicant Dodington Parish Council says the scheme, if approved by South Gloucestershire Council, will "create opportunities to provide health and wellbeing benefits."

They say paths would also provide a dry route to nearby schools including Wellesley Primary and Abbotswood Primary, as access points often become muddy due to heavy footfall.

The paths would be between 1.5 to 2.4 metres wide, made of stone dust and would also be accessible to wheelchair and mobility scooter users, officials say.

However, Sport England have now objected to the proposed project over their fears about a loss of football pitches at the playing fields.

According to the planning application, the parish council says two junior pitches (82 metres by 50 metres) and an adult pitch (90 metres by 55 metres) will be created.

All three pitches would also have a three metre runoff for spectators.

New paths could be installed around Queen Elizabeth II playing fields (Image: Dodington Parish Council)

However, the council says since 2020 the site has had one junior football pitch (measuring 45 metres by 75 metres) and one full sized adult pitch (measuring 52 metres by 90 metres).

They also admit previously the site has rented out three football pitches - two adult and one junior football pitch - but were undersized by FA standards.

Objecting, Sport England said: "The playing field site proposal for a circular exercise path involves permanent loss of playing field land used for adult football.

"The Football Foundation on behalf of the FA/Gloucestershire FA advise that the emerging Playing Pitch Strategy states there are three, good quality adult pitches at this site which are all available for community use.

"It states to sustain pitch quality and improve ancillary facilities in line with the Local Football Facility Plan."

They added: "In its current design, the FF would also not be able to support this application as it is negatively impacting the current layout of football pitches by reducing their size, thus reducing the opportunity for the local community to access the correct size pitches.

"The FF and Gloucestershire FA would welcome a conversation to understand how we can work together and ensure there is a viable solution if this project is to progress."

The proposed path plan put forward by Dodington Parish Council for Queen Elizabeth II playing fields (Image: Dodington Parish Council)

The application also includes plans for tree planting and a 500 metre exercise path plus waymarking and signage at the 7.36 acre site.

It is understood the scheme will be funded from £152,146 section 106 funding, arising from the development of the old Rodford School site.

If approved, it is believed works would take between 8 to 10 weeks.

The site is currently home to two local football teams including Yate Rangers and Sodbury Albion.

A planning document reads: "Proposed installation of a Section 106 funded exercise path and biodiversity enhancements.

"The path is proposed to be an all-weather, stone dust, surfaced, circular exercise path, with waymarking and signage.

"In addition, we propose some tree planting and biodiversity enhancements within the playing fields.

"This would include the creation of a rich flowering meadow verge around the perimeter."

You can view the application quoting P24/00759/F or see here -