CHILDREN’S services in South Gloucestershire have “significantly improved” according to a new Ofsted report. 

Children services - which are run by South Gloucestershire Council - have been rated as good in all four categories following a 11 day inspection in June.

It comes after the service was previously rated as requires improvement by Ofsted in 2019 and inadequate in 2016.

The inspection report - which was published yesterday, Tuesday, July 23 - said that the pace of progress had “accelerated” in recent years.

The report said the improvements were due to “a stable senior leadership team, increased investment, strengthened partner agency working and a whole council approach to children.”

Lead inspector Anna Gravelle said these improvements are “bettering the lives of children and young people” in South Gloucestershire.

Children’s services cover a wide range of support and interventions that the council provides to support families and protect children in need of help when families are struggling.

The South Gloucestershire Council offices in Yate (Image: Doug Fowler)

Cllr Maggie Tyrrell, who was the cabinet member responsible for children and young people until she was selected as council leader, welcomed Ofsted's latest findings.

“I am really pleased that the incredibly hard work of all the staff in this very complex and challenging area of work is paying off and has been recognised,” she said. 

“Most importantly of course, the support that young people and their families receive is improving, but the hard work of so many social workers, support staff, managers and leaders means that once again we can be proud of our service and know that we are giving our most vulnerable children the help they need.”

Ofsted also praised council staff for working well with colleagues in partner organisations.

This includes staff working with health and police, through a newly created multi-agency safeguarding hub known as MASH.

According to the report, staff are also supported by a “well-targeted corporate plan” which includes an impactful quality assurance framework and clear practice standards. 

However, to improve Ofsted told SGC to improve:

  • The take-up, timeliness and impact of return home interviews.
  • Transitional support into adulthood for care leavers.
  • Clarity of offer and consistent oversight of the response to care leavers post 21.
  • Leadership and management oversight of practice that is informed by high-quality performance information.

You can view the full report here -