NEW weekly column by Thornbury and Yate MP Claire Young.

It is a huge honour to have been elected to be your representative in Parliament and fight for the place I’ve called home for the last 25 years.

Before the election, I was lucky to have been able to serve as Leader of South Gloucestershire Council and I will be seeking to use my experience in the Council Chamber to ensure we work together to get the fair deal we deserve.

Throughout my campaign, I spoke to thousands of people across our area and  unsurprisingly - one of the biggest issues raised was the NHS and social care. 

We know just how much these services have been run down lately, and I will not stand for it.

On the day I was sworn in as an MP, I wrote to the new Health Secretary to ensure they honour the promise of funding for Thornbury Health Centre. 

I am also working with fellow Lib Dem MP Brian Mathew to help protect the Three Shires Medical Practice.

Another big issue was the general state of the economy. 

Just hours after I was elected, I was in a meeting with Beko pressing them on their plans to close their factory in Yate, which puts 150 jobs at risk.

I will do all I can to support all those affected.

There are of course many other issues to tackle, including the scandal of sewage in our rivers, improving local bus services, and addressing the underfunding of our schools – all of which I raised in my first speech in Parliament.

I’ve had a whirlwind start to life as an MP and there is still a lot to do, so I really appreciate your patience over the coming weeks as I find my feet. 

Together, we can and will demand better for Thornbury & Yate,