WEEKLY column by Thornbury and Yate MP Claire Young.

When I arrived in Westminster last month, I found Parliament awash with new MPs trying to find their footing.

With over 300 first-time MPs, there was a clamour to take part in those first few debates and I was fortunate to be one of those able to make my first speech in those early days.

A maiden speech introduces you to other MPs – that’s why I chose to make mine during a debate on the future of our railways.

This is something I care deeply about, as improving railway connectivity can unlock huge potential for our area.

In the debate, I highlighted how redeveloping Yate station to improve accessibility, extending funding for half-hourly services, and opening new stations at Coalpit Heath and Thornbury - as well as the already planned one at Charfield - would help people get where they need to go.

I also spoke about the benefit of fully reopening Pilning station, protecting the Severn Beach line from flooding, and called for an immediate freeze of rail fares - coupled with fixing the disjointed ticketing system and connecting bus routes up with train services.

I am concerned that the Government is too focused on who runs our railways rather than the actual services delivered.

Most people I speak to just want to see a train service that runs on time, that they can afford, and which gets them where they want to go.

That’s why I have written to the Transport Secretary to reiterate the need for these improvements and urged them to focus on reconnecting our rural railways – so we can ensure everyone is able to make the most of local opportunities.

I will continue to fight to secure better train services and I promise to do all I can to see our area gets the investment and fair deal that we deserve.