AFTER a nervous wait, pupils from across the area finally got to see the results of their hard work this morning as they received their GCSE results.

It was an emotional moment as students received their grades, which can hold the keys to further education courses as well as employment and training opportunities.

Many of the pupils receiving results today had spent just a handful of months in secondary school before the first coronavirus lockdown.

We are updating this article as results and pictures come in.

Schools should send their results to

Brimsham Green School 

Brimsham Green School say they are proud to announce its best-ever GCSE results, with Year 11 students surpassing expectations and achieving outstanding success.

Headteacher Kim Garland said: “It is both a joy and a privilege to celebrate our students’ achievements today.

"They have not only met but exceeded our high expectations and excelled in their exams. Well done, Year 11!

"You’ve earned this moment of celebration, and we also extend our heartfelt thanks to the parents, carers, and school staff who have supported this collective accomplishment.”

"Our students have truly embodied the school’s core values of aspiration, independence, and resilience throughout their GCSE journey, particularly in the intense lead-up to their exams. Their dedication was evident in the large numbers who attended 8 am revision sessions daily, and today, we celebrate the fruits of their hard work with the school’s best-ever results.

"Many students are now enrolling at Cotswold Edge to pursue their A Levels, marking the start of an exciting new chapter. With limitless opportunities ahead, we look forward to seeing what these talented young individuals will achieve in the years to come—this is just the beginning!”

"We are especially proud to highlight the achievements of our highest performers. Congratulations to Eve Jenkins, who achieved an exceptional 11 grade 9s and 1 grade 8.

"Equally impressive are Emily John, Matilda de Nobriga, and Zack Wigginton, who together secured 16 grade 9s and 12 grade 8s. Additionally, we commend Krysztof Zieleniewski and Thomas Clee, not only for their outstanding results but also for making remarkable progress since their KS2 SATs.

"A special mention goes to Daniel Cox, whose GCSE results averaged three grades higher than predicted by his primary SAT scores. Among the girls, Kara Mildren, Zara Piggott, and Chloe Poole also excelled, achieving results two grades above expectations.

"We also want to acknowledge the exceptional achievements of those students who have excelled despite facing significant challenges and personal adversity.

"Huge congratulations to Rita A, Dawn A, Paris A, Chloe J B, Paige B, Zuhair F, Maddie H, Dain I, Darcy R, and Kostya S. Successfully progressing onto Level 3 courses is a remarkable accomplishment, and we are incredibly proud of their determination and success."

Yate Academy 

Headteacher Eddie Rakshi has said “I am incredibly proud of all of the staff and students and
parents at Yate Academy.

"This cohort of students have had their education significantly disrupted through the pandemic but have continued to show dedication and resilience culminating in well deserved exam results today.

"I would also like to thank all staff at the academy who have worked tirelessly to support students through periods of significant challenge.’

"The exam results achieved by our students today are paramount in opening doors for their

"In working tirelessly towards these results they have embodied the school values of
leadership, resilience and citizenship.

"Of particular note are the English Literature results, with 73 per cent of students coming in above Grade 4 and 64 per cent  of students achieving a grade 4 in both English and maths.

"Exam results were particularly impressive in RE, health and social Care, Spanish and history with 64 per cent, 42 per cent, 46 per cent and 38 per cent of students respectively achieving a grade 7 or above .

"Yate Academy is proud of all students’ achievements.

"A special mention must go to those students who have achieved the best progress and achievement scores in the academy.

"Notably we are exceptionally proud of Ruby who achieved 8 Grade 9s, Sam who achieved 7 Grade 9s and Leah who achieved 6 Grade 9s.

"We are extremely proud of all of our year 11 students and hope that you will join us in wishing them enormous congratulations and every success in their future."

Rednock School 

Mike Stratford, headteacher, said: “We are thrilled for our students receiving their results today.

"Results day marks the culmination of their hard work, and sharing in their celebrations makes all the effort worthwhile.

"This year, the number of students achieving a grade 4 or above, including in English and maths, is the highest the school has seen in years.

"We also saw an increase in the number of grade 9s awarded this year to students.

"There were particularly outstanding achievements in health & social Care, computing and modern foreign languages, with our students’ progress placing them in the top 20% nationwide for those subject areas.

"Our English results are also excellent, the highest they have been for a number of years.

"The dedication of our students, the quality of teaching, the commitment of our staff, and the support from parents have all contributed to their success.

"While we are pleased with the results, we remain determined to improve even further as we continue to strive toward becoming the best school we can be for our community.

"Today, however, is about individual journeys and accomplishments, and we are excited to celebrate standout performances, such as Inaya Wood and Jacob Sexton, who achieved grade 9s in over half of their subjects, and Phoebe Hedges and Ralph Phillips, who excelled with remarkable progress across their studies.

"We are proud of all of our students for achieving this significant milestone."

SGS College 

South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (SGS) says it is proudly celebrating the achievements of its students as they receive their GCSE and BTEC results today.

The successes span across various courses, showcasing the dedication and hard work of both students and staff at the College.

Defne Ozgur, achieved an impressive four 9s and three 7s in her GCSEs and now plans to pursue A-Levels with the goal of studying dentistry at university.

Reflecting on her experience, she said, “I’m really proud of my results.

"Coming to SGS was definitely the right choice for me.

"Honestly, the teachers are the best I’ve had in my whole life and I have never felt this connected and cared for.”

Another success story is Ethan Sven-Poppelmann, who was part of the two-year GCSE PLUS programme.

Ethan achieved three 9s, a 6, and a 5. After being home-schooled, he decided it was time for a change of environment and enrolled at SGS.

He said: “Even though I had been home-schooled, I found it easy to settle in at College, and the support from the tutors has been amazing. They pushed me to strive for the results I deserved.”

Meanwhile, Level 2 Bricklaying students and their tutor, Charlie Smith, were celebrating a fantastic 100% pass rate.

Among the students, four earned Distinction* grades, one achieved a Distinction, and another received a Merit.

Charlie expressed his pride, saying, “They have all worked extremely hard and are a lovely, enthusiastic bunch of lads, and I am so proud of their results today.

"I’m looking forward to hearing what they choose to do next and wish them every luck in the future.”

Adult learners were part of the celebrations as they received their English and Maths GCSE results. Ian Rudge, a 65-year-old diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) two years ago, was particularly thrilled to pass his GCSE Maths after focusing on challenging his mind through academic pursuits.

"After completing functional skills in 2023, he advanced to GCSE Maths and now plans to pursue A Level Maths and learn a new language.

Ian praised the college’s inclusive environment, saying, “As a disabled adult, I was a bit worried about coming back to college, but I was made to feel very welcome and supported.”

Congratulations are also in order for Rose Greatrix, who achieved a Merit in her Foundation Diploma in Art & Design and has secured a place at UWE to study a Degree in Product Design. Rose’s passion for Art & Design began in school and led her to choose SGS College for its Art Foundation programme.

The course provided her with the opportunity to explore a wide range of disciplines and build a degree-level portfolio.

Rose particularly enjoyed the design aspects of the course and is now eager to begin her journey toward a career as an industrial or product designer.

SGS College says it is immensely proud of all its students and the dedication they have shown in achieving these outstanding results.

The Castle School 

Students and staff at The Castle School in Thornbury are celebrating an 'excellent' set of GCSE results today.  

Headteacher Jessica Lobbett said “I am immensely proud of all our students, and it has been wonderful to see the school community celebrating together this morning.

"Highlights include 52% grades 9-5 including English and Maths, and 25 per cent of all grades 7+.

"As a result, our young people are all set to progress into our Sixth Form or colleges and apprenticeships of their choice”.

Our highest attainers include:

  • William Spacey: 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8
  • Mara Alexandroaie: 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7
  • Jorge Rey-Santiago: 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8
  • Ben Edis: 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8
  • Bailey Redman: 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 6
  • Naomi Bevan: 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

“We are proud that, across the cohort of 264 students, a total of 577 grade 7s, 8s or 9s have been achieved which is an incredible feat. 

"It is important to note, however, that the highest grades are certainly not the only measure of success, and for many of our students their results show an incredible personal achievement and significant progress.  

"For example, staff were delighted by the results achieved by Drystan Lemoir, Izzy Rudrum, Fleur Hill, William Hinze and Lucas Imaguire Kretchek; in each case we are sure that their families and friends will be just as proud as we are of their achievements.

"I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated staff, and to parents and family members who have joined us in our educational endeavours. I wish the students every success for the next stage in their lives. Well done all!”.

SGS Berkeley Green UTC

SGS Berkeley Green UTC is a STEM specialist school offering traditional academic subjects alongside technical qualifications in Engineering, Digital Technologies and Cyber Security.

This morning, year 11 students collected their GCSE grades and are celebrating a 'fantastic' set of results.

Students performed exceptionally well in their specialist engineering and digital technology courses with almost two thirds of students achieving the highest grades possible.

This was also the case in the core curriculum with English, maths and science delivering some outstanding results.

Some of the individual highlights include:

  • Tom Smith achieving 8 grades 8 and above including a 9 in GCSE computer science, distinction* in cyber forensics and distinction* in creative iMedia.
  • Gareth Howells achieving 7 grades 8 and above including a 9 in GCSE maths.
  • Katy Voice for achieving distinctions in her digital curriculum and a 9 in GCSE maths.

Headteacher Gareth Lister said: “We are incredibly proud of our students. These results show not only the high quality of education we offer, but the professionalism, positivity and hard work that our year 11 students have.”

“Applications are still open for any young person just about to start year 10 to join us in September.

"These results show that they will get both a high-quality English, maths and science experience, but they will be in expert hands in their area of technical specialism.”

Alan Dane - chief executive of SGS Academy Trust, which sponsors the UTC - said: “These are great results, which are testament to students’ hard work, high quality expert teaching and the unparalleled education offered at Berkeley Green UTC.”

Chipping Sodbury School 

Many Chipping Sodbury School students are celebrating individual success with some strong GCSE results.  

The vast majority of students are in a good position to move to their chosen next stage including A levels, vocational courses and apprenticeships.

Headteacher, Katherine Turner said: "I am delighted for those students who consistently demonstrated our school values of responsibility and aspiration and who had a very positive attitude to their learning. 

"There are many individual successes for students who have had to cope with numerous personal challenges. 

"This is a reflection of the progress these students have made and the hard work by our young people, staff and governors. 

"I wish to pay particular tribute to the continuous support provided by families not just over the past few months but throughout Key Stages 3 and 4. 

"We enjoy strong and positive relationships which impact on the outcomes for individuals. 

"This adds to the successes of our Post 16 students last week. 

"We are very much looking forward to welcoming many of our students back into our Cotswold Edge 6th Form where students succeed and reach their potential."

"Whilst all students deserve recognition, the following individuals have achieved a fantastic raft of the top grades this summer:

L Banks

O Barton

O Chivers

L Derrick

M Elliott

L Glover

T Hung

K Keating

D Kiang

A Mani

J McDiarmid

H Mohan

A Mullins

D Palmer

K Park

F Tatham

H Weaver

"There were so many delightful students in this cohort and we are very proud of them and their achievements. 

"Very well done to everyone, many of whom have met the entry requirements for our Sixth Form and will thrive with the opportunities and high quality of teaching available to them.

"Whatever the next stage in their academic careers, we wish them the very best.

"Chipping Sodbury School has great young people who are a credit to our whole school community.

Katharine Lady Berkeley's 

The school said  they were delighted with the results achieved this year. 

Hannah Khan, headteacher, said: “The options available to young people increase significantly when they have secured five grade 5s including English and mathematics, so we are particularly pleased that this figure continues to climb year on year.

"We are also delighted to report that 34.1 [er cent of our entries achieved the highest 7-9 grades.

"We encourage our students to consider a range of post-16 pathways and are so happy that the vast majority have gained the results for their first choice. In most cases, this is to stay at KLB and continue into our sixth form.

“This is an exciting time for the school.

"The students have seen the superb results achieved by our year 13 leavers and are eager to face their new challenge as we move into the impressive new Berkeley Building.

"We congratulate all students on the character and resilience they have shown throughout their KS4 courses whilst demonstrating the respect and integrity that are at the heart of our school.”

Marlwood School 

74 per cent of the students from the school in Alveston near Thornbury have successfully achieved the key measure of standard passes including English and maths (an increase of nearly 8 per cent on last year).

There were many strong performances this year amongst the cohort, with many students attaining a string of higher grades. Jamilla Bullock deserves a special mention as she got 11 grade 9s; this is a feat achieved by just a handful of students nationally.

Sophie Evans got seven grade 9s, Natasha Richardson got five grade 9s and Jazmine Webb secured all 8s and 9s.

Jamilla said “I’m really happy with my results, and pleased that I beat my brothers!”

Beth Aubrey, Eleanor Baxter, Ben Chappell, Adash Gorkiewicz, Bettina Gimba and Lexi Milburn each obtained a string of top 9-7 grades.

Alongside these, there are many other students who have made exceptional progress and achieved grades to be very proud of, including Imogen Bevan, Oliver Blanch, Alfie Goard, Ava Green, Isabella Harraway-Sharp, George Jay, Adam Mancey, and Harvey Musgrove.

Joe Docherty, executive headteacher said: “I am really proud of the outstanding achievements of so many of our Year 11 students.

"I also want to thank the Marlwood staff for all of the hard work, care and support which they have given to students to help them achieve these grades.”

Helen Simmons, designate head of school, writes, “I am delighted for the Year 11 students of Marlwood – they have worked so hard and fully deserve the fantastic grades that they have achieved.

“I am both excited and privileged to be joining the team at Marlwood and know that together we will continue to work together in achieving excellence, ensuring that all of our students fulfil their dreams and live happy and successful lives enabling them to go onto the highest performing and most well respected colleges, universities and world-class employers.

"“A special thank you also to our phenomenal team of teachers, support staff and leaders who have supported each and every student to achieve their fullest potential.”