TWO women have admitted burgling Lidl in Yate.

Kerry Cox, aged 40, and Naomi Sewel, aged 29, were jointly charged with entering the Kennedy Way supermarket with intent to steal on Sunday, September 10 last year.

Both women pleaded guilty during a hearing at Bristol Magistrates Court on Thursday, August 1.

Cox, of Blakeney Mills, Yate, was also charged with two other offences.

She pleaded guilty to stealing two bottles of rum and a bottle of lemonade worth a total of £20 plus other goods worth £800.

She was ordered to pay £200 in compensation with £85 costs plus a £10 surcharge - a total of £295.

Cox was also ordered to take part in nine months of rehabilitation.

Meanwhile, Sewel was ordered to return to Bristol Magistrates Court on Monday, September 2 for sentencing.

Sewel, of Chedworth, Yate, faces an additional charge for failing to appear at a previous hearing at Bristol Magistrates Court on May 29.