WEEKLY column by Thornbury and Yate MP Claire Young.

Last week, I attended a drop-in event in Thornbury showcasing the plans for a new health centre.

The event was well attended, with people keen to find out more about the current proposal and how they measured up to what we’ve been promised.

Anyone who has used the current health centre can attest to just how much it is run down and no longer fit for purpose.

Speaking to people at the drop-in, they welcomed the progress but felt the current plans fell short of what had once been promised.

The new health centre will be a simple replacement for the current GP services.

There will be more space for them to work but there is no sign that this will be used for the facilities or services that were expected.

This is a real missed opportunity to transform local healthcare.

Many people told me that they were disappointed the new centre wouldn’t have X-ray facilities or provide any extra GPs to support the growing town.

They were concerned about long waiting times and having to travel elsewhere for care.

Despite this, I am glad to see that work on it is progressing. Just last week the Council and Integrated Care Board submitted their business case for the funding to build the new centre. This means it now goes out for a full consultation on the plans.

In my first week in Parliament, I wrote to the Health Secretary and asked him for assurances that the promised funding for this new health centre would be honoured.

He must provide the funding needed to get spades in the ground soon.