Credit where it’s richly due: Stroud’s new MP Dr Simon Opher deserves our plaudits for risking his future political career by supporting Early Day Motion 115, ‘Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024’ (see, signed to date by 26 MPs as I write.

Dr Opher has aligned himself with the ‘usual suspect’ Labour rebels like John McDonnell, Richard Burgon and Apsana Begum – all of whom have already been suspended from the Labour Party whip because of defying PM Keir Starmer’s uncompromising position on the two-child benefit cap.

It cannot be over-estimated what a courageous move this is by Stroud’s new MP – and the invaluable contribution it makes to undermining the tribalist tyranny of the party-political system. Perhaps former Stroud MP David Drew’s sound advice to Dr Opher ‘to be yourself’, mentioned in his maiden speech, has already paid dividends!

Newly elected MPs have a stark choice: they can either vote according to their conscience on every issue – in which case they will know that they can almost certainly kiss 'goodbye' to any future chance of promotion in their political career – and at worst, could conceivably be de-selected next time by their centralised party leadership’s autocratic regime.

Alternatively, they can simply parrot the party line and become a lobby-fodder robot who votes with their party, whatever the policy might be and whatever they might themselves privately think.

Irrespective of the left, right or centre bun-fight, an MP who is prepared to nail his or her colours to the mast of conscience, and to risk their future political career advancement as a result, is an MP who deserves our support – even if some of us completely disagree with him about the beneficence of mRNA vaccines! Being a conscience-centred MP makes Dr Opher eminently well-suited to represent this great independent-minded constituency in Westminster. We can only hope that voting for the person rather than the party is an idea whose time is coming.


Richard House

Stroud ‘