THE FIGHT to save a much-loved village pub near Dursley has taken a major step forward.

Campaigners officially launched its community share offer on Saturday, September 7 to buy the Rose & Crown Inn, Nympsfield.

It is hoped the 19th century boozer - which has been closed since March 2023 - is eventually bought and run as a community pub.

The share offer scheme - which is open until November 6 - gives people the opportunity to purchase shares and own part of the pub. 

It is hoped between £400k to £450k is raised to purchase the Rose & Crown Inn.

Organisers say they want to ensure the pub’s place as a central part of village life for generations to come.

However, since the pub’s closure last year, the site’s grade II listed building has continued to deteriorate rapidly, leaving it in a critical state of disrepair.

According to organisers, if reopened as a community pub, locally sourced food and drink will be served and there will also be a café and village shop. 

For all pictures from the share offer launch see our gallery - all photos by Simon Pizzey. 

Villagers celebrating the community share offer launch to buy the Rose & Crown Inn, Nympsfield - photo by Simon Pizzey 

Pub could be 'lost forever'

Matthew Burke, chair of the interim management committee said: “The response from the wider community so far has been fantastic. 

“In the lead up to the share offer launch we’ve already seen the momentum building. 

“There’s been an incredible amount of support shown for our plans to reopen the Rose & Crown Inn as a community-owned pub.

“We’re under no illusion that raising the capital required will be easy, but we are confident in the long-term success of the project. 

“The pub has a long history of being commercially successful, and we received an independent valuation report in May which concluded it can still be run as a sustainable business. 

“Its current closure comes down to the poor state of the building as a consequence of long-term underinvestment.

(L to R) Michael Hair treasurer, Jon Gazzard vice-chair, Dan Stewart secretary, Matt Burke chair - photo by Simon Pizzey

The share launch at Nympsfield Village Hall on Saturday - photo by Simon Pizzey 

“We invite anyone over the age of 16 to purchase shares. 

“You do not have to live in Nympsfield and you can also purchase shares on behalf of a business or to gift to family and friends. 

“Our £50 minimum shareholding is designed to make it as accessible as possible to the whole community.”

“If we don’t act now, this historic building, a registered asset of community value, could be lost forever!”

For more information about purchasing shares visit

You can also request a paper copy of the prospectus and application form by emailing 

Two pubs in the area are already run as community pubs including The Fleece Inn at Hillesley and The Red Lion at Arlingham.

Meanwhile, similar campaigns have been launched by groups in hopes of saving the Kings Head in King's Stanley and The Old Neighbourhood Inn in Chalford.