PROPOSALS for changes to a major commuter route in Yate including a new 20mph limit have been hailed as a ‘major step forward’ for the town.

South Gloucestershire Council is proposing to impose the new limit on the A432 Station Road between B&Q and North Road as part of a raft of changes aimed at improving travel across town.

Other proposals include on-street parking for businesses in Station Road plus new cycle lanes and bus stops in other streets.

Yate Town Council has now hailed some of these proposals as being ‘positive’ news for businesses, commuters and pedestrians.

SGC says the aims of the proposals are to improve bus, walking, wheeling and cycling facilities along the A432.

This includes Station Road and Badminton Road (between the Stover Road junction in Yate and the Wick Wick roundabout on the A4174 Avon Ring Road).

Ahead of a consultation in the summer, SGC said it wanted to make walking, public transport and cycling the preferred way of getting around, especially for shorter journeys.

It added that the proposals would also make it ‘easier and safer’ for those using a wheelchair, mobility scooter or pushchair.

This week Yate Town Council welcomed some of these proposals - although it did add that there were several issues it would like to raise.

In a planning document, released ahead of Tuesday’s transportation committee meeting, a town council spokesperson said: “We are strongly supportive of improvements to Station Road which encourage the use and expansion of active travel options for local residents.

“Having a layout along Station Road which makes it a much more attractive option to both walk and cycle, is a big step forward for active travel within the town.

“We are strongly in favour of creating separate cycle lanes, making it safer for those walking, wheeling or cycling between North Road, Yate and the B&Q roundabout.

“Additionally the creation of separate cycle lanes makes it safer for those walking, wheeling or cycling between Frog Lane, Coalpit Heath and North Road, Yate.

“Improving bus stops between Frog Lane, Coalpit Health and North Road, Yate makes travelling by bus more pleasant.

“Reducing the speed limit to 20mph between North Road, Yate and the B&Q roundabout would make walking, wheeling and cycling safer along Station Road.

“We would also support the implementation of a 20mph across the residential streets outside of the main distributor road such as Goose Green Way, Kennedy Way, Rodford and Heron Way.

“We are also pleased to see a proposal for some on-street parking which will help to support the local businesses along Station Road with customers being able to park close to their premises.

“It is important that local businesses are supported and can thrive within our town.

“There are however a few points we would like to raise.

“We hope that the improvements will work to link other initiatives of active travel across the town to fully exploit the active travel opportunities.

“The scheme needs to integrate with the current Getting About in Yate consultation, and in particular needs to integrate with the Ladden Garden Village to Yate Railway Station route which is also in consultation.

“Where there are light controlled crossings, there needs to be a clear policy on the priorities given to pedestrians and cyclists vs cars and the expected wait times.”