THERE WAS fun, sweat and raffle prizes last Saturday when Yate Hockey Club held its annual charity President’s Day to open the season.

Forty five adult and junior members took part in a mixed six-a-side tournament through the day, where the cobwebs were blown away and, for many, the need to do some more fitness was established!

Club sponsors The Thornbury Clinic and Storm Hockey were also on-hand to massage tired bodies and sell new sticks and kit.

In a well- natured tournament, team B emerged victorious with 22 goals from their six matches.

The BBQ, cake stall and raffle teams were kept busy during the lunch break, and this was followed by the presentation of the junior awards for the previous season.

Younger juniors then enjoyed an hour’s hockey session before the final adult matches were played. 

A wonderful day was finished off with a mixed Past 1st team players v Present 1sts team players match, which included a number of current England and Wales masters players and hopefully gave many of the watching juniors among the crowd something to aspire to. 

The past team took an early lead before Dom Chambers equalized for the present from a penalty corner, when his double hit confused everybody, including the past keeper!

There was end to end action but slowly the fresher legs of the ‘Present’ showed and more goals followed, the game finishing with a win for the present.

The day raised a valuable £400 for Crohn’s & Colitis UK, a great cause which is close to the club’s heart. 

The club want to thank everyone who organised, supported and took part in the day and to the New Inn at Mayshill, Coca Cola, Acorn Recruitment and Etex Building Performance/Siniat for the provision of raffle prizes.

Yate hockey club always welcomes new members of all ages and abilities.

Visit Yate to find out more.