AN appeal has been launched to build a new memorial to honour two Americans killed in a tragic plane crash near Dursley during WW2. 

Pilot James Spear, aged 24, and aerial observer Carroll Bryan, aged 19, were killed when their aircraft crashed near Breakheart Quarry on December 23, 1944.

Volunteers and organisers from Dursley & Cam Royal British Legion are now planning to create a memorial to honour the two men who died thousands of miles away from home.

Plans - which have been supported by Dursley Town Council - include erecting a memorial garden with two monuments and four benches at Dursley Memorial Recreation Ground.

It is hoped the new space will also create a place for local veterans and members of the public to sit and reflect.

The legion is hoping to raise around £7,500 to fund the project. 

A "place of peace and reflection"

An artist's impression of the memorial garden at Dursley Memorial Recreation Ground (Image: Dursley & Cam Royal British Legion) Julie Campbell, secretary of Dursley & Cam RBL said: “The garden will provide a place of peace and reflection to remember loved ones lost in conflict and all who have suffered the consequences of war.  

“There will be a monument which will house an existing plaque and one to remember the two American pilots killed in a plane crash near Breakheart Quarry in December 1944. 

“To enable veterans and the public to reflect in comfort there will be four benches on the site and the area will be enclosed with a small hedge.”

The plane - a de Havilland Mosquito - was on a routine test flight from RAF Watton in Norfolk when it crashed in a wooded area. 

Mr Spear from Pittsburgh and Mr Bryan from Tennessee both belonged to the 25th Bomb Group of the 654th Bomb Squadron Reconnaissance Support Unit for the US army air force. 

There are already existing two memorials for the two men, one in Pennsylvania and another in Tennessee.

However, there is not a memorial for the two men in the Dursley area. 

(left) James Spear, aged 24 and (right) Carroll Bryan, aged 19, were killed when their plane crashed near Breakheart Quarry in 1944 (Image: Dursley & Cam Royal British Legion) Clerk John Kay from Dursley Town Council said: “We are pleased to have been approached by members of the Dursley & Cam branch of the Royal British Legion.

“We have given approval for a new memorial garden to be situated on the War Memorial Recreation Ground. 

“We hope this new restful area will provide a more suitable environment for those wishing to remember the fallen at annual Remembrance Services and other times.”

Dursley & Cam RBL say anyone wishing to donate to the memorial garden should donate by BACS or cheque.

The bank details are sort code 30-91-87, a/c no  37193360 with reference to Memorial Garden.

Cheques should be payable to Dursley & Cam Royal British Legion. 

On the back please write Memorial Garden and countersign by the account holder. 

Cheques should be posted at 25 Phelps Mill Close, Dursley GL11 4GA.