ANOTHER milestone has been reached over plans to build a new health centre in Thornbury.

Plans have been put forward to bulldoze the old hospital site in Eastland Road as part of long-awaited redevelopment plans.

Proposals include demolishing all former hospital buildings, which have all been vacant since 2018.

This includes the Henderson and Grace wards, the Berwick Unit, the outpatients block as well as 32 nearby garages in Eastbury Close.

The application - which was recently submitted by South Gloucestershire Council - states work is expected to begin in November this year.

Other work includes disconnecting existing services, asbestos removal, the removal of unsuitable drainage plus opening a contractor’s office and compound.

As part of the works, it is hoped some material will be kept and reused in the future development.

According to the application, neighbours will be kept up to date with works through monthly newsletters and open-evenings.

The application was officially submitted on August 30.

A planning document reads: “The scope of the works is to demolish the existing buildings and clear the site to prepare for redevelopment.

“These former hospital buildings have been vacant since 2018, when the various services were relocated to other sites in the local area.”

You can view the application quoting P24/02074/PND or see here -

It comes as the local NHS Integrated Care Board revealed last month its initial designs for a two-storey health centre on the site.

The centre would become a new home for two GP surgeries Severn View Family Practice and Streamside Surgery and also have consulting rooms for Sirona Care and Health.

The Department of Health and Social Care has offered £14.4 million in funding for the scheme.

NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board previously said the earliest move in date would be autumn 2026.

However, there is not expected to be an increase in patient appointments available within the centre.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the same site, SGC is also planning to build a new extra care centre for older people.

It is understood proposals involve building 75 extra care apartments for the elderly plus support services.

Cllr Adam Monk, SGC cabinet member for corporate resources, previously said: "We appreciate that the people of Thornbury have been waiting a long time for new facilities.

“We are pleased to be working in partnership with the ICB to take forward this work to design the new GP surgery buildings.

“They will complement the extra care housing facilities we hope to deliver on the rest of the site.

“Combined, these programmes will bring the site back into use for the benefit of the health and wellbeing of the town."