WORKS as part of a £300k revamp of a popular and much-loved park in Yate have transformed it into a ‘welcoming and vibrant area’.

The refurbishment of the town’s Kingsgate Park - which began last year - has now finished amid multiple challenges including extreme wet weather, flooding and vandalism to both play and construction equipment.

Yate Town Council say that accessibility and sustainability were key to the refurbishment and new design of the play area.

Mayor Ben Nutland said: “I am delighted to announce the completion of the works.

“This project is a great example of how once again Yate Town Council is delivering real improvements for our town and the local community.

“Kingsgate Park is a special place for so many local residents, and these enhancements ensure it remains a welcoming, vibrant area for everyone to enjoy in the years to come.”

A town council spokesperson added: “A £25,000 grant was secured from Enovert Community Trust towards the new zip rider and refreshed MUGA (Multi use games area), which has also been given a vibrant new look.

“We thank the public for their patience and support as we pushed on with the works, knee deep in mud.”

The town council says that the new equipment is suitable for a range of different abilities, encourages imagination and social play, and features materials that are sustainable and climate resilient.

Some of the new inclusive equipment includes a satellite carousel swing that provides a range of users with a comfortable, low level spinning nest, and sensory experience that enables friends to combine velocity and speed one spin after the next.

The new Hydra swing challenges motor skills through balance is the council adds ‘a great place to simply sit and sway while chatting with friends.’

The various levels of play unit in neutral materials provide children and adults who are unable to access the high-level trails with accessible play challenges.

There is a wheelchair seesaw for users with mobility equipment.

Fifty competition entries were submitted by the public to name the new bespoke duck play sculpture with Sir Quackalot being proclaimed the winner.

The chair of the play areas and properties steering group, councillor John Ford said: “Kingsgate Park has been a special place to visit for many generations of residents, friends and councillors.

“The extra care and planning that went into this project provided many more play opportunities for all to enjoy, through the inclusive equipment on offer.

“Sir Quackalot acts as a prominent reminder of the new and refurbished equipment, which will be enjoyed by many for years to come.”

A spokesperson for the Friends of Kingsgate Park said: “This has been a wonderful addition to our park.

“You can walk through anytime of day and this area is always in use.

“From nursery age and upwards this seems to have been a great hit.

“The parents also enjoy the choices available to their children.

“It is an adventurous area of play that is safe.

Chris Willmore, South Gloucestershire councillor for the Yate North ward, said: “This is a brilliant new play area with more opportunities for a wider range of children to play.

“And it has whacky things, like the safety surfacing being recycled Nike trainers.

“Thank you to all the residents who helped us design the scheme.

“Our next steps are about sorting out the drainage.”