PLANS to turn a car boot site in Gloucestershire into a huge concert arena have been labelled as “pie in the sky” by civic chiefs.

Car boot organiser Reg Daldry made public his bold vision for the Hempsted Meadows site last week.

His idea for the site includes a 12,500 capacity concert arena and parking for 1,200 cars.

He also wants the new venue to open 365 days a year.

The site is now used for a car boot and market but Mr Daldry’s dream is for a sustainable venue which he believes is exactly the kind of thing that Gloucester needs.

However, no formal planning applications have been submitted to Gloucester City Council.

And there are serious questions over the viability of such a proposal on a council-owned site which is prone to flooding.

Council leader Jeremy Hilton (LD, Kingsholm and Wotton) says he has yet to see any plans for the site and it would need a substantial amount of investment for it to come to fruition.

“This idea hasn’t come across my desk as of yet,” he said.

“So far it’s a press report of someone’s dream.

"My cabinet hasn’t considered it and neither have we had a formal proposition presented to us.

“It would require substantial capital investment, planning approval and the council being in agreement.”

Councillor Pam Tracey (C, Westgate), who is one of the councillors who represents that area of the city, said she was concerned over the impact such a proposal would have on nearby residents.

She said the plans, as they stand, are “pie in the sky stuff” and it would cost millions to bring to fruition.

“Council officers say they haven’t received any planning applications for the site,” she said.

“It would cost millions to do that. And what about all the residents, and the rowing club and sea cadets. It’s pie in the sky stuff.

“I can’t even imagine it happening. There are highways issues, water runoff and flooding issues to consider.

“The residents would be sitting right on it. You’ve got your highways issues as well.

“It’s not built for that. It’s a floodplain.

“My first priority is not what I want. I love dancing.

“But it’s the residents I’m concerned about. Are they thinking of residents?

“They have a new big estate across the road. My first concern is the residents. They have had bloody enough with all the new builds there.”