A ROW has erupted over proposals at a Yate car park which would see bays which are 'used by those with limited mobility' replaced by eight electrical vehicle charging points. 

Proposals have been lodged to South Gloucestershire Council for works at a car park next to Yate Shopping Centre to install eight electrical vehicle (EV) chargers, a feeder pillar, one power bank and a substation with associated equipment and works. 

These proposals would see 14 standard parking spaces plus a clothing recycling bin transformed into EV bays at a small part of the surface level car park located to the north of the shopping centre, accessible directly off Station Road.

Yate Town Council has raised objections to these plans, arguing that the installation of these EV charging bays at this location would have a detrimental impact on 'those with limited mobility' who currently use the parking spaces. 

A Yate Town Council spokesperson said: "We are in favour of high speed EV chargers, however the location is not advisable.

"The chargers would take over the used parking bays on the North Parade entrance which is used by members of the public with limited mobility.

"Further into the car park would be a more ideal location, however the signage will need to be changed making it clear whether the 4-hour limit applies."

A planning document - which outlines the proposals on behalf of the applicants - argues that only six parking bays would be lost in an area where 'there are hundreds of other parking spaces'. 

They argue that a previously approved application for the location means that the site is meant to comprise of a recycling area plus eight car parking spaces. 

They add that this recycling area is now being used as an extra six car parking bays plus a small clothing recycling bin, which takes the current total to 14 parking bays.

It read: "The application site forms a small part of a much wider car park that serves the shopping centre and provides hundreds of parking spaces. 

"The loss of six spaces in order to introduce EV charging bays for shoppers to use while they frequent the shops is not considered to have a detrimental impact on the operation of the car park

"The hardstanding for the parking bays will be clearly marked to demarcate the bays from standard parking spaces.

"The charging facility is proposed to be available 24 hours a day.

"The type of EV charging equipment proposed will, depending on the vehicle, charge a vehicle up to 80 per cent of its capacity within 15-20 minutes."

A Highways officer from South Gloucestershire Council said: "While this will result in a slight reduction of eight regular car vehicle parking spaces due to the nature of EV parking requiring more space per vehicle, we see this as a positive development.

"We believe this proposal will contribute towards sustainable development by enhancing the accessibility and convenience of EV charging for users.

"We do not anticipate any highway or transportation issues arising from this proposal and therefore have no further comments on this development."

See the plans - tinyurl.com/bdfua55v