A POLICE officer was allegedly aggressive and intimidating towards bouncers and inappropriately touched a woman without consent at an off-duty social event just before Christmas.

Former PC Connor Shefford, based in South Gloucestershire, faces an Avon & Somerset Police misconduct hearing today, Thursday, September 26.

He is accused of breaching the standards of professional behaviour in terms of authority, courtesy and respect, honesty and integrity, and discreditable conduct.

A notice for the hearing on the force website said: “It is alleged that on December 17, 2022, during an off-duty social event the former officer behaved in an aggressive and intimidating manner towards door staff.

“The former officer also made a series of sexually inappropriate comments to a woman, and inappropriately touched her without consent.

“It is contended that (if proven) the allegations amount to gross misconduct.”

The hearing, before a panel led by a Legally Qualified Chair who is independent of policing, is expected to last one day.