COLUMN by Thornbury and Yate MP Claire Young 

Delivering good quality care for our older generation is a pressing issue that continues to grow as our population ages.

I heard some of the challenges - as well as some of the rewards - of working in the care industry recently when I visited Bluebird Care.

The company provides homecare for people in South Gloucestershire.

Based in Chipping Sodbury, they visit people’s homes to provide a service which means clients can stay in their own homes rather than move into residential care away from their families. The aim is to give customers control of their own care for as long as possible.

Chatting to the staff it was clear how much pride they took in what they did. It was also obvious that they, like others in the care sector, face considerable challenges in delivering this service.

There are few people who wouldn’t agree that our social care provision is in crisis. The question is what can be done?

Everyone deserves high-quality social care and finding a way to make this happen is one of the biggest challenges we face.

The problem may seem insurmountable, but it was an issue the Liberal Democrats campaigned on prominently during the election, backing it up with definite plans on how to fix the problem.

Companies like Bluebird Care are definitely part of the solution - a preventative approach that keeps people in their homes for longer is crucial. Introducing free personal care would mean no one being forced to sell their home to pay for care.

A more generous means test and assistance for those unable to pay for their accommodation costs would also help the situation.

Care workers need a real living wage, as well investment from the government in training and the professionalisation and accreditation of the workforce.

The crisis in social care has been mounting for some time. It will take time and courage to address this issue. But I feel there are measures that can be taken now to make social care fit for purpose and I will be pushing hard for this at Westminster.