COLUMN by Thornbury and Yate MP Claire Young 

There’s been a lot of coverage recently of the first 100 days of the new government and what it means for newly elected MPs like me.

After a long election campaign, the job starts immediately – in my case with an urgent meeting on 5th July!

I arrived in Westminster three days after being elected and since then have received rapidly approaching 2,000 cases of people seeking my help.

My team and I are hard at work to answer and help everyone who’s been in touch, prioritising those most in need.

Here is a brief run through of some of the things I’ve done over the past few months as your new MP.

Over the summer, I met the Managing Directors of Stagecoach and FirstBus to raise the challenges for bus users in our area.

Both were clear that we need leadership from the West of England Combined Authority to stop the continued decline of these service and I’m still pushing for a meeting with the Mayor.

I also met the joint Chair of North Bristol NHS Trust and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust to discuss the situation facing our local NHS and care services – especially in some of our most rural areas.

In Parliament, I raised the systemic underfunding of local schools and secured a meeting with the Minister to discuss funding and SEND provision across our area.

This is a key issue for many parents, who feel like their children are being let down.

I also secured a promise of funding for the development of further flood defences at Severn Beach from the Rail Minister and joined a meeting with the Flooding Minister about the support being made available to help with rebuilding work after the recent floods.

If you need my help or want to book an appointment for one of my advice surgeries, please do email my office at or call my team on 020 7219 7829.