ANOTHER major milestone has been passed over plans for the multi-million Thornbury health centre scheme. 

New images have been unveiled in a planning application which was submitted as part of the old hospital site development off Eastland Road.

Under the plans, a new two-storey health centre would be built to provide a new home for existing GP surgeries Severn View Family Practice and Streamside Surgery.

In addition, there would also be consulting rooms and office spaces for health services delivered by Sirona Care and Health.

Thornbury Hospital has been vacant since its closure in 2018.

It comes as this week it has been revealed the scheme will be fully funded by the Department of Health, subject to full business case approval. 

“We remain committed" says Health Minister 

In a letter, Health Minister Karin Smyth confirmed on Monday that £14.4 million worth of funding remains available for ‘allocation’ for the project.

Writing to Claire Young MP, Ms Smyth said: “I would like to reassure you that we recognise the need for improved health services in Thornbury.

“We remain committed to the Thornbury Health Centre scheme.”

An artist's impression of the proposed multi-million Thornbury health centre (Image: South Gloucestershire Council)

Meanwhile, earlier this month, another update was also passed after a bid to bulldoze old buildings at the hospital site were approved. 

It is understood demolition work is expected to begin next month.

(Image: South Gloucestershire Council) The planning application for the new health centre was submitted by South Gloucestershire Council in collaboration with the local NHS Integrated Care Board on Thursday, October 10.

The proposed project includes creating 24 consulting rooms, three treatment rooms, two blood sample rooms, and a virtual consultation room for the two surgeries.

Floor plans in the application also reveal spaces for a seminar room, a lift, a staff room, public and staff toilets, staff showers plus a shared waiting and reception area. 

However, there is not expected to be an increase in patient appointments available within the proposed health centre.

Elsewhere, on the same site, SGC is also developing its plans to create an extra care housing scheme.

It is understood proposals involve building 75 extra care apartments for the elderly plus support services.

The old Thornbury Hospital is due to be demolished next month after plans were approved (Image: Google Maps)

“I am so pleased" says MP 

Commenting on the news, Claire Young MP said: “For years local people have been promised a new medical centre, and yet at every turn they’ve seen it fall through due to a lack of central government funding.

“I am so pleased to have been able to now secure a concrete commitment to fund the building of the centre in my first few months as an MP, which is a big win for local residents.

“This is a testament to all those who have fought for this project and shows what can be achieved when you have a hardworking MP championing our communities in Parliament.

“Now the focus must be on ensuring the project gets shovels in the ground as soon as possible, so we can put this funding to good use.”

"State-of-the-art" healthcare facility

ICB chief delivery officer David Jarrett said: “We are pleased to be moving forwards on the development of a brand-new Thornbury Health Centre with the submission of this planning application.

“The proposed surgery would provide a much needed improvement on existing facilities, providing a state-of-the-art healthcare facility for local people.”

Cllr Adam Monk, SGC cabinet member for corporate resources, said: “We are pleased the project to deliver improved healthcare facilities for Thornbury is progressing.

“The proposals we are submitting to the planning process now have been subject to helpful discussions with local patients and residents to help us refine them.

“While there are still some key steps to take, making the planning application is an important milestone to support the preparation of a strong business case for the Department of Health to consider next year.”

You can view the application for the health centre quoting P24/02333/R3F or see here -

If given planning approval, the application will be included in a business case to be submitted to the Department for Health and Social care.

A final decision is expected by March 2025.