A PRIMARY school in Yate is celebrating after being told it is doing a good job.

Ofsted inspectors said St Mary’s Primary School is providing pupils with an excellent curriculum and standards were above average.

Inspector Joyce Cox said: "St Mary’s is a good school.

"Strong Christian principles lie at the heart of the school’s work and are the basis of the good care, guidance and support provided for all pupils. Consequently, pupils, including the most vulnerable, enjoy school, make good progress and feel secure."

She said pupils worked hard and took part in numerous after school clubs and residential visits. Teachers were said to take great care to meet the needs of pupils of all ages and abilities and standards were above average by the time children leave to go to secondary school.

Added Ms Cox: "An ambitious vision is embedded well among the staff and governors and the drive for improvement is good.

"The school is very thorough in evaluating how well its provision supports pupils’ progress, adjusting it effectively to target weaker areas."

However, she said recent changes to the school’s curriculum were not celebrated enough.

"Good curriculum developments recently have seen the introduction of activities which engage and motivate all groups of pupils so that everyone achieves equally well," she said. "However, while all pupils are enjoying this new curriculum, their work is not sufficiently displayed or celebrated throughout the schools and opportunities are missed to consolidate pupils’ learning in this way."

The school has been told to celebrate pupil’s more and improve its communication with parents by extending the role of the governing body and updating its website more regularly.

Headteacher Mary Baskerville said: "St Mary’s is a wonderful school and I am very proud to lead the team and I look forward to working with everyone to develop the school so that it continues to have a very a positive future.

"We are already putting Ofsted guidance into place and will certainly make sure that the super curriculum provided at St Mary’s is celebrated fully throughout the school.

"Equally we are working hard to find ways to improve our communication with parents and the wider community."