A PLANNED new nursing home on a blind bend in Winterbourne would be dangerous to drivers and harm the local heritage, objectors have claimed.

They say proposals for a 64-bedroom care home and four sheltered homes on Down Road do not do enough to protect listed buildings next door and conservation officers at South Gloucestershire Council are calling for it to be thrown out.

In a report on the planning application, Ian Gething said the development would impact on the settings and views of 19th century All Saints’ Church, a grade II church lychgate, the Old Vicarage and the locally listed Methodist church.

He said: "The development site is a prominent feature in the landscape and provides an important green backdrop to a number of listed and locally listed buildings in the area.

"The application has, however, failed to identify the presence of these protected buildings and as a result, has failed to satisfactorily demonstrate that the development will not harm the setting or views of these protected heritage assets."

The site was subject to a survey by Cotswold Archaeological Trust between 1999 and 2000 and a further dig in 2007. Roman artefacts have been found nearby and archaeologists believe more finds are still lying undiscovered.

Historic environment record officer, David Evans, said the site may have been home to a prehistoric burial mound.

He added: "The area of current interest is somewhat away from the possible burial mound but further archaeological investigation could help to clarify the development of the garden and the presence of prehistoric material might point to the origin of the mound."

Residents have also objected to the plans arguing that Down Road is already a busy commuter route and the nursing home would generate even more traffic.

Robert and Alison Gunn, of Station Road in Winterbourne Down, said the road was already extremely busy and the planned entrance to the home was on a sharp blind bend.

"Parking is already an extreme hazard on Down Road and there is concern that pedestrians will be crossing the road particularly with vehicles approaching uphill from Winterbourne Down on a blind corner," they added.

The plans have been submitted by Robert Hancock, of Benson Brothers Ltd of Bristol. If the nursing home goes ahead it would be built over two storeys, with four single-storey sheltered houses, a warden’s house and 37 parking spaces.

A spokesman for agents Base Architecture said a stone wall around the site would be rebuilt slightly back from the road and trees would be planted to screen the home.

"The density of the development has been raised as a concern," he said. "When viewed at ground level, the volume of built form within the site will not be perceived."

South Gloucestershire Council is due to decide on the plans in March. The deadline for comments is February 12.