SIR - As an ex-Berkeley born and bred person, I had to leave because I could not afford to buy a house there, although my family had lived there all their lives and still do.

I hope they build these houses. Then younger people like me may be able to stay in their own community if affordable houses are there.

I think the road system is quite good around Berkeley, especially now that the power station is closing and, as for building on the flood plains, where these houses are to be built is well above the flood area and to my knowledge has never been flooded, unlike Howmead, Park View, The Lynch, Cowbarton and The Pits. Jane Orchard, Cowbarton, was a rubbish tip and I remember seeing pictures of people being ferried in a boat by a pub called The Boar's Head.

I hope that these houses will be built and the young, true Berkeley people will have a chance to stay in Berkeley. It seems there are a lot of selfish people in Berkeley now who either commute or have had their day. Their excuses like the flood plains do not hold water.

E Turl, Everlands, Cam