SIR - I would like to thank the chap from Stroud planning department who came into the 'vipers' nest' at the public meeting in Berkeley on Monday regarding the proposed housing development.

I'm sure it wasn't an easy meeting for him to attend but he carried it off with great calmness. We need the planners on our side.

The facts put forward from the Government inspector do seem to offer tenuous justification for upgrading Berkeley to Principal Settlement status and for the introduction of 300 new homes.

His argument hangs around the amenities we have in Berkeley: doctors, hospital, post office, restaurants, tourist attractions. He also cites the potential for improvement to public transport, employment at Sharpness, regenerating Berkeley Vale School and increasing the capacity for primary education. It seems to me there are many assumptions being made about the amenities we have/could have.

There is question about the suitability of the site itself:

* It is a greenfield site which has been used as landfill. The landfill needs to be treated either in-situ or dug out and taken away;

* There are potentially significant archaeological ruins beneath the site;

* It is situated on a flood-plain, which we are told can be rectified, but many of the recent problems of recurring damage to property has been as a result of building on flood plains; what guarantees for the new home-owners?

We should contest all the above points. However I believe there is another, far stronger argument against this development. An addition this size would increase the population of Berkeley by at least one-third.

Berkeley is a rural town, with a strong sense of community. An overnight influx such as is being proposed would totally swamp Berkeley both physically and culturally. It would take on 'New Town' proportions, bringing with it all the social problems of such developments and ripping the heart out of a beautiful, historic area.

It is crucial that we make our voice heard. The councillors attending the meeting on Monday all stated their intent to vote against the proposal and there is the ABRAID group supporting a no vote. It is up to each and every one of us to take action; write to the planners at Stroud, write to your local councillor and MP and demand action to stop this proposal.

Peter Cornelius, Lynch Road, Berkeley