1The Gazette works in Kingshill Road, Dursley - a photograph taken in 1949 before alternations were made to the offices, dark room and Linotype room

2Queen Mary inspecting the Lister Fire Brigade in Dursley, accompanied by Percy Lister. This was just one of the pictures the Gazette was forbidden to print due to restrictions on photographs during the Second World War

3A 1970s view of the composing room at Reliance Works when all newspapers were set in hot metal. Pictured are compositors Jeff Billings (right) and Chris Lusty

4Fred, Peter and Michael Bailey with Princess Anne, who laid the foundation stone for new offices at Reliance Works to mark the Gazette's centenary in 1978

5News editor Kath Martin and editor John Cox toast the success of the new tabloid version of the Gazette in May 1986

6The new offices, for which Princess Anne laid the foundation stone, were officially opened in June 1979. Fred Bailey cuts the ribbon assisted by Pete and Michael Bailey (left) and architect David Barnes (right).

7Fred Bailey, a skilled operator, says a fond farewell to the Linotype before the last of the Bailey machines were scrapped in 1986

8The early days of photosetting - the former composing room and its workers take on the new technology in the late 1980s

9Malcolm Cantwell brings in a colour photograph onto the front page of the Dursley Gazette in September 1995. The page has previously been made up on screen by a sub-editor