A FORMER Rednock School sixth-former is enjoying life in South Africa where she is taking her gap year.

Liz Gent, from Berkeley, spent her upper sixth year in 2003-04 raising funds for her year of voluntary work.

With sponsorship from organisations including Dursley Lions, British Nuclear Group and Berkeley Buffaloes, Liz raised the money with a range of activities, including a balloon launch.

Now she is four months into a posting in Johannesburg as a care assistant in a foundation that offers employment and residential care for mentally handicapped adults.

Liz has to get up at 5.30am most days to prepare the residents breakfast - a type of porridge known as 'pap'.

She spends the day caring for the more seriously handicapped residents as well as accompanying them on trips to the shops or hospital - where a 'quick' visit could last up to eight hours.

Some of her more unexpected chores have included clearing up after a water tank flooded, getting rid of an ant invasion caused by one resident hoarding food in her locker and literally dragging a reluctant resident home after he locked his legs in protest at being asked to walk faster.

Liz reports that the highlight of her time so far has been a trip to the East Rand Township, where she helped to prepare and serve the food at a Zulu wedding.

After the preparations she was allowed to celebrate with the guests, eating, dancing and chatting till late in the night.

It was a cultural experience that she said was absolutely unforgettable.

With the foundation closing over Christmas and New Year, Liz travelled to Kwazulu, Swaziland and Lesotho to carry out more volunteer work.

She is still thankful for all the support she received from the public in the Berkeley and Dursley area and wishes everyone Akube Ukuthokoza Onyakeni Omusha - Zulu for Happy New Year.