SIR - The extensive coverage of the Wotton Animal Rescue closure and the reasons (in the Gazette) has been a sad reflection of how the animal lobby can be so reactionary and let their emotions cloud the issues. Whilst not wishing to side with either party, I think a few facts have to be aired.

A short time ago an item appeared on the Wotton website discussion board. The item was strong in tone. A chain of "discussions" followed, some for Veronica and some against. All these have elements have now mysteriously disappeared - one assumes because their content was so controversial. There is now a new and similar topic on the discussion board, which contains some irrational and misinformed attitudes to the more recent events surrounding the (now infamous) confrontation at the Co-op.

The events at the Co-op have somewhat clouded the whole issue, with each party (and others) giving differing views as to what actually took place. The criticism (Gazette letters, January 7) towards Mrs Cordwell and some of the spin-off activities of a few people are totally uncalled for. Those behind these activities should perhaps pull back and think about what they are doing. It's all very well loving animals; it's another matter embarking on character-assassination because your view is (it would appear) clouded by misguided reactionary emotion.

On the day of the Co-op "discussion" I did not go into the shop for precisely the reasons that Mrs Cordwell complained of. The entrance (apparently well before the encounter with Mrs Cordwell) was completely blocked with people gathering around Veronica. I was unable to pass.

I did not draw it to the attention of the staff (perhaps I should have?), who by all accounts had "overbooked" the doorway, thus causing the problem in the first place. It should be pointed out that there is virtually no space in the doorway (on Co-op property) for collectors and inevitably they stand in the street. I believe this actually contravenes the law unless you are registered to street-collect with Stroud District Council.

I assume Mrs Cordwell was acting in our interest (the public) to clarify the situation as she so ably does in many ways in her capacity as a town and district councillor. Much like Veronica Bruce does so selflessly for the animals she so obviously loves. It's time to put the whole episode into perspective.

Let's hope Veronica can legitimately re-open the Animal Rescue Centre and continue raising funds as it is obviously a very popular service.

I am withholding my name and address, the recent irrational action of a few "animal rights" supporters are intimidating and I do not wish to suffer at their is a sad reflection on our times that people behave in this way.

Miss P Name and address withheld