SIR - Give me strength! Cllr June Cordwell objects to Veronica Bruce, a charity collector, making it "difficult" to enter the Co-op store in Wotton. If that was the only obstacle we had to endure in supermarkets, I would be delighted.

As it is we have enormous buggies the size of tractors, motorised disability carriages and only this week, two children on battery scooters racing up and down the aisles. An invalid carriage reversing back down an aisle left my mother-in-law with a badly bruised ankle and can be a real liability for the elderly and small children.

Get a life, June! Sort out grown-up problems, that's what you're there for, and stop being so petty!

Veronica Bruce deserves a medal for her unstinting efforts in helping to prevent animal cruelty and, despite her own personal health problems, keeps going regardless.

Heaven help us from minor officials who insist on wearing a 'job's worth hat'.

H R Burrows Manor Road Charfield